National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering

 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Kanpur 208 016, India

Durgesh C. Rai

Coordinator, NICEE

Dear Sir/Madam,



Workshop on Teaching Earthquake-Resistant Structures in Undergraduate Architecture Design Studio, March 8-10, 2025 at IIT Kanpur


The National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering (NICEE) at IIT Kanpur has been organizing several programs for architectural faculty members and students with the objective of empowering them to advance seismic safety in the building industry and ensure an earthquake-resistant built environment in our country.


This year's workshop on Teaching Earthquake-Resistant Structures in Undergraduate Architecture Design Studio is scheduled to be held at IIT Kanpur from March 8-10, 2025. This workshop aims to enhance the capacity of architecture design faculty members' capacity to effectively integrate earthquake-resistant strategies teaching in design studios for undergraduate students through technical lectures followed by design studios where they will be given hands-on guidance in earthquake-resistant strategy design by working on an architectural design project.


The upcoming workshop is targeted at the faculties of architecture. The selected participants will undergo focused lectures on EQ-resistant structures in architecture studio projects, along with special lectures from international experts and hands-on training in earthquake-resistant architecture practices at IIT Kanpur from March 8 to 10, 2025, to be coordinated by professionals with vast experience in this field. Participants will be provided regular double occupancy in the Institute guest house and mess facilities during their stay at IIT Kanpur. A non-refundable registration fee of Rs. 10,000/- per student will be charged to the participants of the workshop. The registration fee is to be remitted after the selection of the participants.


We invite you to nominate up to four faculties from your college/institute to participate in this workshop. In view of the hands-on nature of this workshop, we have to restrict the number of participants. Hence, depending on the number of applications received, we will select some of these participants.


We look forward to working with the teachers/architects and preparing them for earthquake-resistant structures in undergraduate architecture design as a significant step in ensuring safety for the vulnerable communities in our country. For registration, please visit: The last date for receiving applications is February 24, 2025.



Thank you and with best regards,



Yours sincerely,

(Durgesh C. Rai)


Encl: Workshop Brochure