To ensure the highest quality of technical contents, every Tip is carefully reviewed by two or more experts, both within and outside India and their feedback is used before finalizing the Tips.
Soft Copy (PDF) of Earthquake Tips available at: |
E-Book version of the Earthquake Tips available at: |
Quiz conducted in 2024-25: |
1. Report |
Quiz conducted in 2023-24: |
1. Report |
Quiz conducted in 2022-23: |
1. Online Quiz |
Quiz conducted in 2021-22: |
1. Online Quiz |
2. Presentation by Ms. Riddhi Boola of Kids Club Jaipur, Rajasthan |
Quiz conducted in 2020-21: |
The Inter-School Quiz for 2020-21 has been called off in response to unprecedented
health scare and related restrictions due to COVID-19. |
Quiz conducted in 2019-20: |
1. Report |
Quiz conducted in 2018-19: |
1. Report |
Quiz conducted in 2017-18: |
1. Report |
Quiz conducted in 2016-17: |
1. Report |
2. Hindustan (28/01/2017) |
3. Times of India (28/01/2017) |
Quiz conducted in 2015-16: |
1. Report |
2. Hindustan (27/01/2016) |
3. Dainik Jagran (27/01/2016) |
Quiz conducted in 2012-13: |
1. Report |
2. Report of Times of India (29/01/2013) |
3. Dainik Jagran (29/01/2013) |
4. Hindustan (29/01/2013) |
5. Hindustan Times(29/01/2013) |
Quiz conducted in 2011-12: |
1. Report |
2. Report of Times of India (08/02/2012) |
3. Aaj (08/02/2012) |
4. Hindustan (08/02/2012) |
Quiz conducted in 2010-11: |
2.A report in Times of India
3. Report in Dwarka blog
Quiz conducted in 2009-10: |
1. Report
2. A report in Times of India
How to participate? |
Invitation Letter |
Confirmation Letter