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IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tip 32

            Why is Quality critical in Earthquake-Resistant Buildings?                                      page 2
            shortfall  in  understanding  or  implementing  (to  the   them.  Similarly,  independent  competent  engineers
            fullest)  any  of  these  aspects  leads  to  compromising   employed  for  site-supervision  need  to  examine  that
            safety of life and property in the building.        work  being  is  done  as  intended.  These  independent
               Services  of  competent  professional  architects  and   engineers  employed  for  site  inspection  need  to  have
            engineers  are  essential  to  incorporate  the  above   requisite  competence.  Therefore,  Competence-Based
            aspects in buildings; these professionals need to have   Licensing  of  Construction  Engineers  and  Certification  of
            past experience of having  successfully provided such   Artisans are essential.
            services.  Building  owners  are  faced  with  many   Professional Ethics
            challenges   in   earthquake-resistant   design   and      Earthquake-resistant  design  and  construction  is
            construction. These include:                        possible only with high ethical standards employed by
            (1)  Identifying competent architects and design engineers:   all  personnel  involved.  A  project  can  be  successfully
               There  are  many  standards  and  specifications  for   executed  only  by  avoiding  all  three  types  of  errors  –
               earthquake-resistant  design  and  construction  of   Error  of  Intention,  Error  of  Concept  and  Error  of
               buildings,  which  architects  and  design  engineers   Execution. Error of intention is really an issue of ethics,
               need  to  be  conversant  with.  The  mandatory   while errors of concept and execution are of competence.
               curricula  in  architecture  and  engineering  colleges   For  instance,  a  professional  accepting  an  assignment
               often do not ensure that the required background   beyond  one’s  competence  is  indulging  in  unethical
               is provided to graduates. Thus, it is unlikely that   practice. Similarly, if a professional realizes that one is
               all  architects  and  engineers  practicing  today   unable to follow correct procedures and still proceeds
               understand earthquake behavior of structures, and   with the project, it is an unethical practice. And finally,
               the  design  techniques  required  to  incorporate   an  engineer  not  following  code  provisions  to  reduce
               earthquake-resistance  in  them.  So,  building   structural cost, indulges in unethical practice.
               owners  face  a  challenge  related  to  selecting      In civil constructions, society takes performance of
               competent  professionals  to  undertake  earthquake-  a structure for granted. For instance, one drives over a
               resistant  design  of  their  buildings.  Governments   bridge unconsciously, assuming it is safe. Hence, it is
               need  to  establish  robust  systems  for  identifying   critically  important  to  ensure  and  enforce  highest
               competence-based licensing of engineers, who could   levels  of  ethical  standards  in  the  practice  of
               assist building owners;                          engineering. It is not possible to legislate virtues. But,
            (2)  Complying with Building Codes & Municipal Controls:   the  situation  can  be  alleviated  to  some  extent  by
               Local  governments  require  architects  and  design   putting  in  place  systems  and  procedures,  e.g.,    (a)
               engineers  to  ensure  safety  of  buildings  through   competence-based licensing, wherein license to practice is
               faithful compliance with various building codes and   given  only  after  establishing  that  the  person  has  at
               municipal bye-laws. This cannot happen only on the   least  a  minimum  set  of  skills  required  to  practice
               basis of voluntary effort by professionals – it is the   design  and  construction,  which  may  be  revoked  in
               responsibility  of  municipal  authorities  to  enforce   case of a malpractice, and (b) a robust regulatory legal
               compliance.  But,  a  severe  shortage  of  suitable   system,  with  a  rigorous  enforcement  protocol  and
               adequately trained personnel in municipal offices   implementation  mechanism  that  allows  for  swift
               can  be  a  bottleneck  for  ensuring  compliance  on   penalties and punishments to erring individuals. Such
               part of local governments. Alternate strategies are   systems  have  been  effective  in  many  countries,  and
               required to build a robust system for Enforcement of   must be established in countries like India.
               Earthquake Safety, e.g., independent peer review by
               consulting engineers of good standing; and       Related        -      Earthquake Tip
            (3) Undertaking  hazard  estimation  studies:  Seismic   Tip 9: How do make buildings ductile for good seismic performance?

               hazard   assessment   must    consider   many    Resource Material
               uncertainties.  For  ordinary  buildings,  it  is  best  to   Bellet,D.,  (2006),  Fundamental  Concepts  and  Principles  for  Assuring
               adopt seismic design codes of the country. But, for   Acceptable Performance of Schools and the Education System, Chapter
               projects  of  importance,  site-specific  studies  are   10,  Keeping  Schools  Safe  in  Earthquakes,  Overseas  Press  India
                                                                  Private Limited, New Delhi
               required, for which owners will require services of
               competent   earthquake   geologists,   seismologists,
               earthquake   geotechnical   engineers   and   seismic     Authored by:
               structural engineers.                               C.V.R.Murty
               Faithfully  converting  construction  drawings  of      Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India
            buildings into actual structures is critical for ensuring     Sponsored by:
            earthquake  safety  of  buildings.  Competent  contractors   Building Materials and Technology Promotion
            must be appointed by building owners to implement      Council, New Delhi, India
            formal   construction   strategies   and   construct
            earthquake-resistant  buildings.  Quality  control  needs   This release is a property of IIT Kanpur and BMTPC. It may
            to  be  exercised  at  all  stages  of  construction  by   be  reproduced  without  changing  its  contents  with  due
                                                                 acknowledgement.  Suggestions  or  comments  may  be  sent
            Contractors.  But,  independent  agencies  need  to  test   to: To see all IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips, visit
            quality  of  all  construction  materials  before  accepting or
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