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Brick Masonry & Reinforced Concrete Bulldings
                     Chapter 3

                      and  ductility   and  may  need  to be strengthened.  Second,  infills  can be  treated  as
                      shear walls and,  in that case,  their  inadequate  shear  capacities  for  in-plane
                      and flexural  capacities  for  out-of-plane   ioads need  to be corrected  (BSSC  1992b,
                      Rosenblueth 1980).


                      Frequent  failures of the walls  enclosing  the stairs at the roof level of  many  build-
                                                                                     motions at
                      ings  can be attributed to the  large amplification  of the  ground       upper
                      floors and to excessive slenderness of the  enclosing   walls.  It  has been  observed
                      that stairwells attract relatively large amount of seismic forces due to the bracing
                      action provided by inclined members (slab or beam)  to support stairs.  Further-

                      more, walls  enclosing  stairwells are cantilevered structures  projecting  above the
                      roof located around a  discontinuity in diaphragms (floors and slabs) which act as
                      stress-raisers. Damage to staircase enclosures, called mumty in the local parlance,
                      was widespread and  was  seen in structures  which  otherwise  would  have  sur-
                      vived the shaking without any significant damage.

                       Dynamic instability  of the slender walls and  poor anchorage   with  the  roof slab
                      were two primary reasons for such a  poor performance of numties.  Figure 3-25
                      shows a  typical arrangement of a mumty. For most of mumty walls, the slender-

                                                                                      One & half storey
                                                                                      high insufficiently
                                                                                      braced brick wall
                                                                                      and jali



                        Figure 3-25. Typical
                        arrangement of stairwell
                        in low rise buildings in
                        the Jabalpur area.

                                          Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                       61
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