Page 80 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 80

Chapter 4                                                   Mud&Village Housess

                       rials for floor and roof construction. RC frame construction was also observed in
                       towns but they  were of very  recent  times.


                       A  description of damages and structural deficiencies that were responsible for it
                       are discussed in the foilowing. However, one should realize that it is very diffi-
                       cult to pin-point a particular deficiency responsible for the damage. It is often a
                       host of deficiencies acting together lead to failures.

                       Separation of Perpendicular Walls

                       One of the major reasons for damages to a large number of houses was the lack of
                       integrity among its various structural elements. For example, the perpendicular
                       walls were not connected to each other and the roofing system was not properly
                       tied down to the walls. As a result, each element tended to behave independently

                        Figure 4-1. Separation
                        of walls in hand moul-
                        ded mud construction at
                        Koshamghat. Also
                        shows damage to gable
                        wall and roof.

                                          Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                      70
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