Page 4 - EQTips_Eng
P. 4


                                                                   2               Earthquake Design
                               Earthquake Tip                                      and


             How the ground shakes?

            Seismic Waves
               Large strain energy released during an earthquake      P-Waves
            travels as seismic waves in all directions through the                    Push and pull
            Earth’s layers, reflecting and refracting at each
            interface. These waves  are of two types -  body waves
            and  surface waves; the  latter are  restricted to near the
            Earth’s surface (Figure  1). Body waves consist  of
            Primary Waves  (P-waves)  and  Secondary Waves  (S-             Extension       Compression
            waves), and surface waves consist of  Love waves and      S-Waves          Up and down
            Rayleigh waves. Under P-waves, material particles
            undergo extensional and compressional  strains along
            direction of  energy transmission, but under S-waves,
            oscillate at right angles to it (Figure 2). Love waves
            cause surface motions similar to that by S-waves, but
            with no vertical component. Rayleigh  wave makes  a         Side to side               Direction of
            material particle oscillate in  an elliptic path  in the                        Energy Transmission
            vertical plane (with horizontal motion along direction
            of energy transmission).                               Love Waves      Sideways in horizontal plane


                      Surface Waves

                                                                   Rayleigh Waves
                                                                                     Elliptic in vertical plane

                 Fault   EQ

               Rupture           Geologic Strata                   Figure 2:

                                                                   Motions caused by Body and Surface Waves

               Figure 1: Arrival of Seismic Waves at a Site        (Adapted from FEMA 99, Non-Technical
                                                                   Explanation of the NEHRP Recommended


               P-waves are fastest, followed  in  sequence  by S-,
            Love and Rayleigh waves. For example, in granites, P-   Measuring Instruments
            and  S-waves have speeds ~4.8 km/sec  and               The instrument that measures earthquake shaking,
            ~3.0km/sec, respectively.  S-waves do not travel    a  seismograph, has three components – the  sensor, the
            through liquids. S-waves in association with effects of   recorder and the timer. The principle on which it works
            Love waves cause maximum damage to structures by    is simple and is explicitly reflected in the early
            their racking motion on the surface in both vertical   seismograph (Figure 3) – a pen attached at the tip of an
            and horizontal directions. When P- and S-waves reach   oscillating simple pendulum (a mass hung by a string
            the Earth's surface, most  of their energy is reflected   from a support) marks on a chart paper that is held on
            back.  Some  of this energy is  returned back to the   a drum rotating at a constant speed. A magnet around
            surface by reflections  at  different  layers of soil  and   the string provides required damping  to control the
            rock. Shaking is more severe (about twice as much) at   amplitude of oscillations. The pendulum mass, string,
            the Earth's surface than at substantial depths. This is   magnet and support together constitute the sensor; the
            often the basis  for designing  structures buried   drum, pen and chart paper constitute the recorder; and
            underground for  smaller  levels of acceleration than   the motor that rotates the drum at constant speed
            those above the ground.                             forms the timer.
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