Page 46 - EQTips_Eng
P. 46


                                                                 23                Earthquake Design
                               Earthquake Tip                                      and


            Why are Buildings with Shear Walls preferred in Seismic Regions?

            What is a Shear Wall Building                       structural elements (like glass windows and building
               Reinforced concrete (RC) buildings often have    contents).
            vertical plate-like RC walls called Shear Walls (Figure 1)   Architectural Aspects of Shear Walls
            in addition to slabs, beams and columns. These walls      Most RC buildings with shear walls also have
            generally start at foundation level and are continuous   columns; these columns primarily carry  gravity loads
            throughout the building height. Their thickness can be   (i.e., those due to self-weight and contents of building).
            as low as  150mm,  or  as high as 400mm  in  high rise   Shear walls  provide large strength and stiffness  to
            buildings. Shear walls are usually provided along both   buildings in  the direction of their orientation, which
            length and width of buildings (Figure 1). Shear walls   significantly reduces lateral sway of the building and
            are like  vertically-oriented  wide  beams  that carry   thereby reduces damage to structure and its contents.
            earthquake loads downwards to the foundation.       Since shear  walls carry  large  horizontal earthquake
                                                                forces, the overturning effects on them are large. Thus,
                                                                design of their foundations requires special attention.
                                                                Shear walls should be provided along preferably both
                                                                length and width. However, if they are provided along
                                                                only one direction,  a proper grid  of beams  and
                       RC                                       columns in the vertical plane (called a moment-resistant
                       Walls                                    frame) must be provided  along the other direction to
                                                                resist strong earthquake effects.
                 Plan                                               Door or window openings can be provided  in
                                                                shear walls, but their size must be small to ensure least
                                                                interruption  to force flow through walls. Moreover,
                                                                openings  should be symmetrically  located. Special
                                                    RC          design checks are required to ensure that the net cross-
                   Foundation                      Shear        sectional  area of  a wall at an opening is sufficient  to
                                                   Wall         carry the horizontal earthquake force.
            Figure 1: Reinforced concrete shear walls in
                 buildings – an excellent structural system for      Shear walls  in buildings must be symmetrically
                 earthquake resistance.                         located in plan to reduce ill-effects of twist in buildings
                                                                (Figure 2). They could be placed symmetrically along
            Advantages of Shear Walls in RC Buildings           one  or  both  directions  in plan. Shear walls are  more
                Properly designed and  detailed buildings with   effective when located along exterior perimeter of the
            shear walls have shown very good performance in past   building – such a layout increases resistance of the
            earthquakes.  The overwhelming success of buildings   building to twisting.
            with shear  walls  in resisting strong earthquakes is
            summarised in the quote:

              “We cannot afford to build concrete buildings meant                       Unsymmetric
              to resist severe earthquakes without shear walls.”                        location of
                                                                                        shear walls
               :: Mark Fintel, a noted consulting engineer in USA                       not desirable

               Shear walls in high seismic regions require special
            detailing. However, in  past  earthquakes, even                                      Symmetry of building in
                                                                                                   plan about both axes
            buildings with sufficient amount of walls that were
            not specially detailed for seismic performance (but had     Symmetric location of
            enough well-distributed  reinforcement) were saved         shear walls along the
                                                                       perimeter of the
            from collapse. Shear wall buildings  are a popular         building is desirable
            choice in many earthquake prone countries, like Chile,
            New Zealand and USA. Shear walls are easy  to
            construct, because reinforcement detailing of walls  is
            relatively straight-forward and therefore  easily
            implemented at site. Shear walls are efficient, both in
            terms of construction  cost and effectiveness  in     Figure 2: Shear walls must be symmetric in plan
            minimizing earthquake damage in structural and non-     layout – twist in buildings can be avoided.
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