Page 48 - EQTips_Eng
P. 48


                                                                 24                Earthquake Design
                               Earthquake Tip                                      and


            How to reduce Earthquake Effects on Buildings?

            Why Earthquake Effects are to be Reduced            them look  like large rubber pads, although there  are
               Conventional seismic design attempts to make     other types that are based on sliding of one part of the
            buildings that do not collapse under strong earthquake   building  relative to the other. A careful study is
            shaking, but may  sustain damage to non-structural   required to identify the most suitable type of device
            elements (like glass facades) and to some structural   for  a particular building. Also, base isolation  is not
            members in the building. This may render the building   suitable for all buildings. Most suitable candidates for
            non-functional after the  earthquake,  which may be   base-isolation are low to medium-rise buildings rested
            problematic in some structures, like hospitals, which   on hard soil  underneath; high-rise buildings  or
            need to remain functional in the aftermath of the   buildings rested on soft soil are not suitable for base
            earthquake. Special techniques are required to design   isolation.

            buildings  such   that  they  remain   practically   If the gap between the

            undamaged even in a severe earthquake. Buildings     building and vertical wall of

            with such improved seismic performance usually cost   the foundation pit is small,

            more than normal buildings do. However, this cost is   the vertical wall of the pit           Rollers
                                                                 may hit the building, when

            justified through improved earthquake performance.   the ground moves under

               Two basic  technologies are  used to protect      the building.
            buildings from damaging earthquake effects. These are   (a)    Hypothetical
            Base Isolation Devices and  Seismic Dampers. The idea       Building
            behind  base isolation is to detach (isolate) the building
            from the ground  in such a way that earthquake             Building on rollers without any friction
                                                                         – building will not move with ground
            motions are not transmitted up through the building,
            or at least greatly reduced. Seismic dampers are special     Forces induced can be up to   Small
            devices  introduced in the building to absorb the         5-6 times smaller than those     movement
                                                                                                       of building
            energy provided by the ground motion to the building       in a regular building resting
                                                                           directly on ground.
            (much like the way shock absorbers in motor vehicles                                          Large
            absorb the impacts due to undulations of the road).               Flexible pads            in isolators
            Base Isolation
               The concept of base isolation is explained through
            an example building resting on frictionless  rollers            Original

            (Figure 1a). When the ground shakes, the rollers freely   Lead plug   Isolator
            roll, but the building above does not move. Thus, no                       Flexible
            force is transferred to the building due to shaking of                     Material
            the ground; simply, the building does not experience the
            earthquake. Now, if the same building is rested  on         Stainless
            flexible pads that offer resistance against lateral         steel plates
            movements (Figure 1b), then some effect of the ground   (b)      Base Isolated
            shaking will  be transferred to the building above.  If      Building         Isolator during Earthquake
            the flexible  pads are properly chosen, the forces        Building on flexible pads connected to building
            induced by ground shaking can be a few times smaller       and foundation – building will shake less
            than that experienced by the building built directly on
            ground, namely a fixed base building (Figure 1c).

               The flexible pads are called base-isolators, whereas   Forces induced are large.        Large
            the structures protected by means of these devices are                                     movement
            called  base-isolated buildings. The main feature of the                                   of building
            base isolation technology is that it introduces
            flexibility in the structure. As a result,  a robust   (c)   Fixed-Base
            medium-rise masonry or reinforced concrete building        Building
            becomes  extremely flexible. The isolators are often         Building resting directly on ground
            designed to absorb energy and thus add damping to               – building will shake violently
            the system. This helps in further reducing the seismic

            response of the building. Several commercial brands of   Figure 1: Building on flexible supports shakes
            base isolators are available in the market, and many of     lesser – this technique is called Base Isolation.
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