Page 52 - EQTips_Eng
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                                                                                   Earthquake Design
                                                                 26                and
                               Earthquake Tip

            What Harms Load Paths in Buildings?

            Buildings with Moment Resisting Frames              column in the lower storey of a building (Figure 2a);
               Smooth  transfer  of  inertia  forces  in  a  Moment   such  columns  are  called  floating  columns.  When  a
            Resisting Frame (MRF) building is critically dependant   column  is  pushed  out  of  the  vertical  line  in  a  lower
            on  the  geometry  of  the  frame  grid.  Some  desirable   storey, the forces carried by the upper portion of the
            features of a frame grid include:                   column  have  to  bend  at  the  setback  location  to
            (a)  Several distinct planar, regular MRFs placed parallel to   continue  towards  the  foundation  (Figure  2b);  such
               each  other,  in  each  of  the  two  perpendicular  plan   columns  are  called  setback  columns.  Presence  of  a
               directions of the building;                      setback  column  also  leads  to  poor  building
            (b)  Columns  running  run  through  full  height  and  beams   performance  in  an  earthquake;  brittle  damage  is
               through full width of the building;              expected in beam-column joints and beams adjoining
            (c)   Uniform spacing between parallel planar MRFs in each   the setback location.
               plan direction; and                                            Floating Column   Setback Column
            (d)  Beams  within  each  planar  frame  slender  enough  to
               deform  in  flexure:  Concrete  beams  of  very  short
               span may damage in shear, which is undesirable.
               Poor Frame Grid -
               For  smooth  load  transfer  in  an  MRF,  it  is
            necessarily for beams and columns to intersect and to
            form  a  well-defined  grid.  Of  the  two  MRF  buildings
            shown  in  plan  in  Figure  1,  the  first  one  has  regular
            frames  in  both  plan  directions  (Figure  1a),  while  the
            second  has  irregular  beam  and  column  layout
            consisting  of  a  small  MRF  in  the  X-direction  and       (a)                      (b)
            limited frame action in the Y-direction (Figure 1b); this
                                                                 Figure 2: Discontinuing columns in MRFs
            is NOT an acceptable earthquake-resistant solution.        detrimental to earthquake safety of buildings
               Large  detours  in  load  paths  result  in  stress      – (a) floating column: the column is discontinued
            concentration  in  the  frame  and  in  poor  performance.     at a lower level, and (b) set-back column: the
            This can happen, if frame lines are discontinuous (i.e.,   column is moved out of plumb
            beam lines jog out-of-plane), and if beams frame into
            each other instead of into columns.
                                                                Buildings with Structural Walls

                                                                    Structural walls (SWs; also called Shear Walls) have

                                     Uniform                    large  lateral  stiffness  and  lateral  strength  in  the  length
                                   Planar Frames                direction and provide very good load paths. Buildings
                  Y                in both X- and
                                    Y-directions                with SWs have performed well during past earthquakes.

                                                                Some desirable features of buildings with SWs include:
                                                                (a)  Continuous  SWs  running  through  full  building
                                      (a)                           height generally offer direct load paths for inertia

                                                                    forces collected from diaphragms at different floor

                                                                    levels to be carried down to the foundation;
                                       Unequal                  (b)  Uniformly distributed SWs in both plan directions;
                                   Planar Frames
                   One              in Y-direction                  and

             Planar Frame
              in X-direction                                    (c)  Sufficient wall density, i.e., total cross-section area

                                                                    of structural walls in plan as a percentage of plan
                                      (b)                           area of building.

             Figure 1: Structural framing in RC buildings in        Situations arise when departure occurs from good
                 plan – (a) good, and (b) poor.                 earthquake behaviour. These include:
                                                                (a) Large and/or irregular openings
               Discontinuity in Vertical Elements:                  SWs  with  smaller  and  uniform  openings  behave
               Floating Columns and Setback Columns -           better  (Figure  3a).  In  SWs  with  large  and  random
               Discontinuing  a  load  carrying  member  along  its   openings,  there  are  multiple  load  paths  and  each  of
            length or height is harmful to earthquake performance   those  has  long  detours.  As  a  result,  the  load  paths
            of  the  building.  It  is  not  desirable  to  discontinue  a   become  long  and  convoluted  instead  of  being  short
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