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IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tip 27

            How can Non-structural Elements be protected against Earthquakes?                               page 2
               Three strategies are adopted for design of NSEs in
            a building and their connections with SEs, namely:
            (i)  Non-Engineered  Strategy:  generic  NSEs  (e.g.,  glass      Electric Motor

               bottles  on  shelves,  and  crockery)  cannot  be                                F eq
               individually  secured,  but  can  be  protected  with                          Anchor
               simple strategies (e.g., hold-back strings) (Figure 2);       (a)
            (ii) Prescriptive Strategy: factory-made, reasonably large

               NSEs  (e.g.,  cupboards,  refrigerators,  laboratory
               equipment  and  large  panel  glass  windows)  often                   Un-deformed
                                                                                       Glass Panel
               have  manufacturer  prescribed  protection  or

               anchorage details provided at the time of purchase
               (Figure 3), and                                                       Glass
            (iii)Engineered  Design  Strategy:  large,  specialised,                 Panel

               massive  NSEs  (e.g.,  cooling  plant  of  central  air-                              Deformed
               conditioning systems, billboards) and those whose                                     Building
               failure  can  be  critical  (e.g.,  fire  hydrant  pipes
               running  along  building  height)  require  formal

               design calculations for protecting them (Figure 4).   Figure 4: Engineered approach for earthquake

                                                                     protection of NSEs (a) force design for stiff &
                                                                     massive NSEs, and (b) relative displacement

                                                                     design for flexible & slender NSEs.

                                  Front Panel


                                                                                 NSE              NSE Shaking

                                                                   Floor Shaking

                                                                   Ground Shaking


                                       Vertical Spacer             Figure 5: NSE shaking different from ground
               Figure 2: Non-Engineered approach for
                                                                     shaking – shaking at NSE can be more severe
                earthquake protection of NSEs: small NSEs            and different in characteristics
                that cannot be anchored individually

                                                                Related        -      Earthquake Tip
                                                                Tip 23: Why are buildings with shear walls preferred in seismic

                                                          Arnold & Reitherman, 1982   Resource Material
                                                                FEMA  E-74,  (2011),  Reducing  the  Risks  of  Non-structural  Earthquake
                              Tie                       Adapted from:
                                                                  Damage – A Practical Guide, Applied Technology Council, USA
                                                                Mondal,G.,  and  Jain,S.K.,  (2005),  “Design  of  Non-Structural
                                                                  Elements  for  Buildings:  A  review  of  codal  provisions,”  August
                        (a)                 (b)                   2005;  and  “Proposed  Draft  for  IS:1893  on  Design  of  Non-
                                                                  Structural  Elements,”  October  2005,  The  Indian  Concrete  Journal,
               Figure 3: Prescriptive (engineered) approach for   ACC Limited, Thane, India

                earthquake protection of NSEs – (a) Tie it to

                SE, (b) Bolt it to SE.                            Authored by:

               NSEs located in upper levels of buildings and their      Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India
            connections  to  SEs  must  be  designed  for  shaking     Sponsored by:
            expected  at  those  floor  levels  (Figure  5);  this  floor      Building Materials and Technology Promotion
            shaking can be different and even of higher intensity   Council, New Delhi, India
            than the shaking at the ground level. Hence, NSEs that
            project vertically or horizontally from buildings at the   This release is a property of IIT Kanpur and BMTPC. It may
            upper  elevations  needs  special  attention.  Some   be  reproduced  without  changing  its  contents  with  due
                                                                 acknowledgement.  Suggestions  or  comments  may  be  sent
            countries  (e.g.,  USA)  have  provisions  for  engineered   to: To see all IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips, visit
            design of NSEs and their connections with SEs. or
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