Page 56 - EQTips_Eng
P. 56


                                                                                   Earthquake Design
                                                                 28                and
                               Earthquake Tip

            What is a Confined Masonry Construction?

            Basics of Confined Masonry                          after  walls  are  built.  RC  confining  elements  hold  the
               Confined  Masonry  (CM)  construction  typically   masonry in place and improve integrity of the  house
            consists  of:  traditional  strip  foundation  (in  masonry);   during  seismic  shaking  (Figure  2).  CM  houses
            reinforced concrete (RC) plinth beam; masonry walls (in   performed  well  even  in  several  severe  earthquakes,
            bricks  or  concrete  block  units)  built  on  top  of  plinth   such  as  the  2010  Chile  earthquake  (Magnitude  8.8),
            beam; small RC vertical & horizontal confining elements   while  many  unreinforced  masonry  (URM)  and  even
            built around these masonry walls; and RC floor and roof   RC buildings suffered damage during the same events.
            slabs built  monolithically  with the confining elements
            (Figure  1a).  These  vertical  and  horizontal  confining
            elements  are  called  tie-columns  and  tie-beams,     1.2m
            respectively. CM construction has a mandatory plinth
            beam  on  top  of  plinth  masonry.  CM  is  a  good      1.2m
            construction  technology  for  low-  and  medium-rise
            houses in seismic areas (Figure 1b).

                                                    Slab           Figure 2: Construction Sequence – Plain masonry
                                                                     walls built first, are held snugly by adjoining RC
                                                                     elements that are cast in-situ later
                                                    Masonry         The  concept  of  masonry  wall  construction
                                                     Walls      confined  with  wood  elements  has  been  used  for
                 Tie-columns                                    centuries in many earthquake-prone regions along the
                                                                Alpine-Himalayan  belt.  For  example,  in  the  Kashmir
                                                                Valley in J&K State (India), Dhajji Dewari constructions
                Plinth beam
                                                                consists  of  large  masonry  walls  broken  into  smaller
                                                                panels with wood verticals, horizontals and diagonals.
                                                                These  houses  showed  excellent  performance  in  many
                                                  Foundation    past earthquakes and helped avoid loss of life. These
                                   (a)                          houses have simple architectural design, good quality
                                                                materials and good quality of construction.
                                                                CM is different from MRF with URM Infills
                                                                    CM  houses  are  different  substantially  from  RC
                                                                moment  resisting  frame  (MRF)  houses  with  masonry
                                                                infills,  even  though  both  technologies  use  the  same
                                                                constituent   structural   materials   (concrete   and
                                                          Photos: World housing Encyclopedia, EERI, 1999   masonry) and have very similar appearance when the
                                                                buildings are completed. The key differences are:
                                                                (a) Different Behaviour:

                                                                    CM  houses  are  load-bearing  structures,  because
                                                                  masonry  walls  carry  both  gravity  and  earthquake-
                                                                  induced  lateral  forces.  This  is  similar  to  unreinforced
                                                                  masonry (URM) construction, which has been used in
                                   (b)                            India for many centuries. URM houses perform well
              Figure 1: Confined Masonry Construction – (a)       under  gravity  loads,  but  experience  significant
                components of CM system, and (b) 4-storey
                                                                  damage  during  earthquake  shaking,  because
                 house constructed in Chile with CM system.       masonry  cannot  take  tension  that  develops  during
                                                                  earthquake  shaking.  On  the  other  hand,  RC  MRF
               Construction  of  CM  building  with  RC  confining   houses  classify  under  moment-resisting  frame  system.
            elements  involves  making  masonry  walls  in  small   RC  frames  are  infilled  with  unreinforced  masonry
            panels, each of which is confined on all four sides by   walls in some countries, e.g., India (see IITK-BMTPC
            vertical  and  horizontal  RC  elements.  Concrete  is   Earthquake Tips 17, 21 and 22), and with engineered
            poured  in  vertical  and  horizontal  confining  elements   infills in others, e.g., New Zealand.
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