Page 63 - Jabalpur_EQ
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Chapter 3                              Brick  Masonry  & Reinforced Concrete

                       developing diagonal cracks.  Figure 3-12 shows more severely cracked  masonry
                       piers of the adjacent unit which might have disintegrated with a few more cycles
                       of loading. This is what happened to the next unit where masonry piers were lost
                       first, then the lintel beam resting on the masonry piers fell and, with the beam, all
                       spandrel masonry and part of the roof came down (Fig. 3-13).

                       Chandrika Homes, Amanapura

                       These two storey duplex apartment complex suffered heavy in-plane shear dam-
                       age  to  its  brick masonry walls oriented along the  North-South,  the direction of
                       major shaking (Fig. 3-14). In-plane shear strength of masonry walls was consid-
                       erably weakened by the large openings for  windows and doors. The disintegra
                       tion of masonry piers was so severe that in few cases the steel frame around the
                      door deformed, thus making the door unable to open and blocking the main exit
                      of  the apartment.  It is  also believed  that poor building material and quality of
                      construction  used   by   the  developer/builder   attributed  to  such  a   poor perfor-
                       mance. In contrast, privately constructed similar URM buildings in the vicinity of
                       the  complex performed   much better.  Mcreover, structures in this area  appeared
                       to have subjected to an amplified ground motion as the site is located on a  land-

                      Similar in-plane failures were observed at many other locations too as shown in
                       Figs.  3-15  to  3-20.  In  the  Appendix,  preliminary  calculations  show  that  the
                       masonry piers were subjected to tensile stresses even for the design level lateral

                      Figure 3-14. Severely damaged duplex units of a builder built Chandrika
                      Homes,  Amanapura.

                                        Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,.1997                        53
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