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IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tip 18

            How do Beams in RC Buildings resist Earthquakes?                                                page 2
                                                                bars are (a) made away from the face of the column,
                 Bottom steel at supports    At least 2 bars should go   and (b) not made at locations where they are likely to
               at least half of that at top
                                           full length of beam  stretch by large amounts and yield (e.g., bottom bars at
                                                                mid-length of the beam). Moreover, at the locations of
                                                                laps, vertical stirrups  should be provided at a closer
                                                                spacing (Figure 6).

                            Total amount of steel                  Spacing of stirrups            Spacing of stirrups
                                                                                                    as calculated
                                                                     as calculated
                 Column      from calculation     Column           (but not more than d/4        (but not more than d/4
                                                                  and 8 times beam bar           and 8 times beam bar
             Figure 3: Location and amount of longitudinal            diameter)    Spacing of stirrups    diameter)

              steel bars in beams – these resist tension due to                    as per calculations
                                                                                   (but not more than

              flexure.                                                      2d          d/2)        2d

               Stirrups in RC beams help in three ways, namely   d
            (i) they carry the vertical shear force and thereby resist
            diagonal shear cracks (Figure 2b), (ii) they protect the   2d          Beam                    2d

            concrete from bulging outwards due to flexure, and         Column                         Column
            (iii) they prevent the buckling of the compressed
            longitudinal bars due to flexure. In moderate to severe   Figure 5: Location and amount of vertical stirrups

            seismic zones, the Indian Standard IS13920-1993       in beams – IS:13920-1993 limit on maximum

            prescribes the following  requirements related to         spacing ensures good earthquake behaviour.

            stirrups in reinforced concrete beams:
            (a) The diameter of stirrup must be at least  6mm; in                   Lapping of longitudinal bars
               beams more than 5m long, it must be at least 8mm.
                                                                                        Spacing of stirrups
            (b) Both ends of the vertical  stirrups should be bent                     not more than 150mm
               into a  135° hook (Figure  4)  and extended             Beam
               sufficiently beyond this hook to ensure that the
               stirrup does not open out in an earthquake.
            (b) The spacing of vertical stirrups  in  any portion  of           Lapping prohibited in
               the beam should be determined from calculations                    regions where
            (c) The maximum spacing of stirrups is less than half   Column      longitudinal bars can   Column

                                                                                  yield in tension
               the depth of the beam (Figure 5).
            (d) For a length of twice the depth of the beam from

               the face of the column,  an even more stringent   Figure 6: Details of lapping steel reinforcement
               spacing of stirrups is  specified, namely half the     in seismic beams – as per IS13920-1993.
               spacing mentioned in (c) above (Figure 5).
                                          The ends of stirrups   Related       -      Earthquake Tip
                                          are bent at 135°.     Tip 9: How to Make Buildings Ductile for Good Seismic
                                          Such stirrups do not   Tip 17: How do Earthquakes Affect Reinforced Concrete Buildings?
                                          open during strong
                                          earthquake shaking.
                                                                Reading Material
                                                                IS 13920, (1993), “Indian Standard Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing
             Preferred:                                           of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces,” Bureau

             135° hooks in             Horizontal   ≥10 times     of Indian Standards, New Delhi

             adjacent                  Spacing   diameter of    Paulay,T., and  Priestley,M.J.N., (1997), “Seismic Design of Masonry

             stirrups on                         stirrup          and Reinforced Concrete Buildings,” John Wiley & Sons, USA
             alternate sides                 135º               McGregor,J.M., (1997), “Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design,“

                                                                  Third Edition, Prentice Hall, USA

                                                                  Authored by:
                                                                   Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
            Figure 4: Steel reinforcement in seismic beams

              - stirrups with 135° hooks at ends required as per   Kanpur, India
                IS:13920-1993.                                    Sponsored by:
                                                                   Building Materials and Technology Promotion
               Steel reinforcement bars  are  available usually in   Council, New Delhi, India
            lengths of  12-14m. Thus, it becomes necessary to
            overlap bars when beams of longer lengths are to be
            made. At the location of the lap, the bars transfer large
            forces from one to another. Thus, the Indian Standard
            IS:13920-1993 prescribes that such laps of longitudinal
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