Page 36 - EQTips_Eng
P. 36


                                                                 18                Earthquake Design
                               Earthquake Tip                                      and


            How do Beams in RC Buildings resist Earthquakes?

            Reinforcement and Seismic Damage                    (b) Shear Failure: A beam may also fail due to shearing
               In RC buildings, the vertical and horizontal        action.  A shear crack is inclined  at 45° to the
            members (i.e., the  columns  and  beams) are  built    horizontal; it develops at mid-depth near the
            integrally with each other. Thus,  under the action  of   support and grows towards the top and bottom
            loads, they  act together as a  frame transferring  forces   faces (Figure 2b). Closed loop stirrups are provided
            from one to another. This Tip is meant for beams that   to avoid such shearing action. Shear damage occurs
            are part of a building  frame and carry earthquake-    when the area of these stirrups is insufficient.
            induced forces.                                     Shear failure is brittle, and therefore, shear  failure
               Beams  in  RC buildings have two  sets of steel   must be avoided in the design of RC beams.
            reinforcement, namely:  (a) long straight bars (called   Design Strategy
            longitudinal bars) placed along its length, and (b) closed   Designing  a beam  involves the selection of  its
            loops of small diameter steel bars (called  stirrups)   material properties (i.e, grades of steel bars and concrete)
            placed vertically  at regular intervals along  its full   and shape and size; these are usually selected as a part
            length (Figure 1).                                  of an overall design strategy of the whole building.
                                                                And, the amount and distribution of steel to be provided
             Vertical Stirrup

              Smaller diameter steel                            in the beam must be determined by performing design
                 bars that are made into           Beam         calculations as per is:456-2000 and IS13920-1993.
              closed loops and are

              placed at regular                                    Column                                  Column

              intervals along the full
                 length of the beam

                                                                             Bottom face stretches in tension
                                                                              and vertical cracks develop
                                                                               (a)  Flexure Failure

                                                                                      Inclined crack      Column
             Lon  gitudinal Bar
               Larger diameter steel bars that

               go through the full length of the


            Figure 1: Steel reinforcement in beams - stirrups                          Beam      45°

                 prevent longitudinal bars from bending outwards.
                                                                                      (b)   Shear Failure
               Beams sustain two basic types of failures, namely:

            (a) Flexural (or Bending) Failure: As the beam sags under   Figure 2: Two  types of damage in a beam:
                                                                      flexure damage is preferred. Longitudinal bars
               increased loading, it can fail in two possible ways.     resist the tension forces due to bending while
               If relatively  more steel  is present on the tension   vertical stirrups resist shear forces.
               face, concrete crushes in compression; this is a brittle
               failure and is therefore  undesirable. If  relatively   Longitudinal bars are provided to resist  flexural
               less  steel  is  present on the tension face, the steel   cracking on the side of the beam that stretches. Since
               yields first (it keeps elongating but does not snap, as   both top and bottom faces stretch  during strong
               steel has ability to stretch large amounts before it   earthquake shaking (IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tip 17),
               snaps; see  IITK-BMTPC Earthquake  Tip 9) and    longitudinal steel bars are required on both faces at the
               redistribution occurs in the beam until eventually   ends and on the bottom face at mid-length (Figure 3).
               the concrete  crushes in compression; this is  a  ductile   The Indian Ductile Detailing Code IS13920-1993
               failure and hence is desirable. Thus, more steel on   prescribes that:
               tension face is not necessarily desirable! The ductile   (a) At least two bars go through the full length of the
               failure is characterized with many vertical cracks   beam at the top as well as the bottom of the beam.
               starting  from the stretched beam face, and going   (b) At the ends of beams, the amount of steel provided
               towards its mid-depth (Figure 2a).                  at the bottom is at least half that at top.
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