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IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tip 15

             Why is Vertical Reinforcement required in Masonry Buildings?                                   page 2
            How Vertical Reinforcement Helps
               Embedding  vertical reinforcement bars  in the      Earthquake-induced inertia force
            edges of the wall piers  and  anchoring them in  the
            foundation at the bottom and in the roof band at the                                     Cracking
            top (Figure 4), forces the slender masonry piers to
            undergo bending instead of rocking. In wider wall piers,
            the vertical  bars enhance their capability to resist
            horizontal earthquake forces and delay the X-cracking.
            Adequate cross-sectional area of these vertical bars
            prevents the bar from yielding in tension. Further, the
            vertical bars also help protect the wall from sliding as
            well as from collapsing in the weak direction.        (a) Cracking in building with no corner reinforcement

              of Pier                                              Lintel Band                       Reinforcement
                                                                   Sill Band
                                                                 (Similar to
                                                                   Lintel Band,
                                                                 but discontinued
                                                                  at door openings)

              Vertical steel bars anchored in
                foundation and roof band                          (b) No cracks in building with vertical reinforcement
            (a) Vertical reinforcement causes bending of

               masonry piers in place of rocking (See Figure 2).     Figure 5: Cracks at corners of openings in a
                                                                    masonry building – reinforcement around them

                                                                Related        -      Earthquake Tip
                                                                Tip 5: What are the seismic effects on structures?
                                                                Tip12: How brick masonry houses behave during earthquakes?
                                                                Tip13: Why masonry buildings should have simple structural
                                                                Tip14: Why horizontal bands are required in masonry buildings?

           (b) Vertical reinforcement prevents sliding in walls   Reading Material

               (See Figure 3).                                  Amrose,J., (1991), Simplified Design of Masonry Structures, John Wiley
                                                                  & Sons, Inc., USA
              Figure 4: Vertical reinforcement in masonry walls   BMTPC, (2000),  Guidelines: Improving Earthquake Resistance  of
               – wall behaviour is modified.                      Housing, Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council,
                                                                  New Delhi
            Protection of Openings in Walls                     IS 4326, (1993), Indian Standard Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant
                                                                  Design and Construction of Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards,
               Sliding failure mentioned above is rare, even in   New Delhi
            unconfined  masonry buildings. However, the most    IS 13828, (1993),  Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving Earthquake
            common damage,  observed after an earthquake, is      Resistance of Low-strength Masonry Buildings, Bureau of Indian
            diagonal X-cracking of wall piers,  and also inclined      Standards, New Delhi
            cracks at the corners of door and window openings.
            When a wall with an opening deforms during            Authored by:
            earthquake shaking, the shape of the opening distorts   C.V.R.Murty
            and becomes more like  a  rhombus - two opposite       Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
            corners move away and  the other two come closer.      Kanpur, India
            Under this type of deformation, the corners that come   Sponsored by:
            closer develop cracks (Figure 5a). The cracks are bigger   Building Materials and Technology Promotion
            when the opening sizes are larger. Steel bars provided   Council, New Delhi, India
            in the wall  masonry  all  around the openings restrict
            these cracks  at the corners (Figure 5b). In  summary,   This release  is  a property of  IIT Kanpur  and BMTPC  New
            lintel  and  sill bands  above and below openings, and   Delhi. It may be reproduced without changing its contents
            vertical reinforcement adjacent to  vertical edges,    and with  due  acknowledgement.  Suggestions/comments
                                                                   may be  sent  to:  Visit  or
            provide protection against this type of damage., to see previous IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips.
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