Page 26 - EQTips_Eng
P. 26


                                                                 13                Earthquake Design
                               Earthquake Tip                                      and


            Why should Masonry Buildings have simple Structural Configuration?

            Box Action in Masonry Buildings                     consider a four-wall system of a single storey masonry
               Brick masonry buildings have large mass  and     building (Figure 2). During earthquake shaking, inertia
            hence attract large horizontal forces during earthquake   forces act in the strong direction of some walls and in
            shaking. They develop numerous cracks under both    the weak direction of others (See  IITK-BMTPC
            compressive  and tensile  forces caused by earthquake   Earthquake Tip 12). Walls shaken in the weak direction
            shaking. The focus of  earthquake resistant  masonry   seek support from the other walls, i.e., walls B1 and B2
            building construction is to ensure that these effects are   seek support from walls A1 and A2 for shaking in the
            sustained  without major damage or collapse.        direction shown in Figure 2. To be more specific, wall
            Appropriate choice of structural configuration can   B1 pulls walls A1  and  A2, while wall B2 pushes
            help achieve this.                                  against them. At the next instance, the direction  of
               The structural configuration of masonry buildings   shaking could change to the horizontal direction
            includes aspects like (a) overall shape and size of the   perpendicular to that shown in Figure 2. Then, walls A
            building, and (b) distribution of mass and (horizontal)   and B change their roles; Walls B1 and B2 become the
            lateral  load  resisting elements across the building.   strong ones and A1 and A2 weak.
            Large, tall, long and  unsymmetric buildings perform    Thus, walls transfer  loads to each other at their
            poorly during earthquakes (IITK-BMTPC Earthquake    junctions  (and through the lintel bands  and roof).
            Tip 6). A strategy used in making them earthquake-  Hence, the masonry courses from the walls meeting at
            resistant is developing good box action between all the   corners must have good interlocking. For this reason,
            elements of the building, i.e., between roof, walls and   openings near the wall corners are detrimental to good
            foundation (Figure  1).  Loosely connected roof  or   seismic performance. Openings too close to  wall
            unduly slender walls  are threats to good seismic   corners hamper the flow of forces  from one wall to
            behaviour. For example, a horizontal band introduced   another (Figure 3). Further, large openings weaken
            at the lintel level ties the walls together and helps to   walls from carrying the inertia  forces in their own
            make them behave as a single unit.                  plane. Thus, it is best to keep all openings as small as
                                                                possible and as far away from the corners as possible.
                                Roof that stays together as a single
               Good             integral unit during earthquakes                       Inertia force
                 connection                                                            from roof
                 between roof
               and walls                           Walls with     Inertia force

                                                   small          from roof
                                                   openings                               A1

              Lintel                                                      B2

              Band                                                                                    B1


                  Stiff Foundation                     Good
                                                   walls and
                             Good connection      foundation                                           Regions
                              at wall corners                               Direction of             where load
             Figure 1: Essential requirements to ensure box                                            transfer
                                                                            earthquake              takes place
                  action in a masonry building.                                shaking                from one
                                                                                                        wall to
            Influence of Openings                                                                      another

               Openings  are functional  necessities in buildings.   Figure 2: Regions of force transfer from weak
            However, location and  size of openings in walls          walls to strong walls in a masonry building –
            assume significance  in deciding the performance of       wall B1 pulls walls A1 and A2, while wall B2
            masonry buildings in earthquakes. To understand this,     pushes walls A1 and A2.
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