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                                                                 11                Earthquake Design
                               Earthquake Tip                                      and


             What are the Indian Seismic Codes?

            Importance of Seismic Design Codes                  IS 13935, 1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Repair and
               Ground vibrations during earthquakes cause         Seismic Strengthening of Buildings
            forces and deformations in structures. Structures need   The regulations in these standards do not ensure
            to be designed to withstand such forces  and        that structures suffer no damage during earthquake of
            deformations. Seismic codes help to improve the     all magnitudes. But, to the extent possible, they ensure
            behaviour of structures so that they may withstand the   that structures are able  to respond  to earthquake
            earthquake effects without significant loss of life and   shakings of  moderate intensities  without  structural
            property.  Countries  around   the  world   have    damage and of heavy intensities without total collapse.
            procedures outlined in seismic codes to help design     IS 1893
            engineers in the planning, designing, detailing and     IS 1893 is the main code that provides the seismic
            constructing of structures. An earthquake-resistant   zone map (Figure 1) and specifies seismic design force.
            building has four virtues in it, namely:            This force depends on the mass and seismic coefficient
            (a) Good Structural Configuration: Its size, shape and   of the  structure; the  latter in turn depends on
               structural system carrying loads are such that they   properties like seismic  zone in which structure lies,
               ensure a direct and smooth flow of inertia forces to   importance of the structure, its  stiffness, the soil on
               the ground.
            (b) Lateral Strength: The maximum lateral  (horizontal)   which it rests, and its ductility. For example, a
                                                                building  in  Bhuj will have 2.25 times the seismic
               force that it can resist is such that  the damage   design force of  an identical building in Bombay.
               induced in it does not result in collapse.       Similarly, the seismic coefficient for  a single-storey
            (c) Adequate Stiffness: Its lateral load resisting system is   building may have  2.5  times that of a 15-storey
               such that the earthquake-induced deformations in   building.
               it do not damage its contents under low-to-
               moderate shaking.
            (d) Good Ductility: Its capacity to undergo large
               deformations under  severe earthquake shaking
               even after yielding, is  improved by favourable
               design and detailing strategies.
            Seismic codes cover all these aspects.

            Indian Seismic Codes
               Seismic codes are unique to a particular region or
            country. They take into account the local seismology,
            accepted level of seismic risk, building typologies, and
            materials and methods used in construction. Further,
            they are indicative of the  level of progress  a country
            has made in the field of earthquake engineering.
               The first formal  seismic  code in India, namely IS
            1893, was published  in  1962. Today, the Bureau of
            Indian Standards (BIS) has the following seismic codes:
            IS 1893  (Part I), 2002,  Indian Standard Criteria for
              Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures (5  Revision)
            IS 4326,  1993,  Indian  Standard Code  of Practice for
              Earthquake  Resistant  Design and Construction of
              Buildings  (2  Revision)
            IS 13827, 1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving
              Earthquake Resistance of Earthen Buildings                                            Seismic
            IS 13828, 1993, Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving                                  Zone
              Earthquake  Resistance of Low Strength  Masonry                                           V
              Buildings                                          Figure 1: Seismic Zone Map of India showing
            IS 13920, 1993,  Indian Standard Code  of Practice for      four seismic zones - over 60% of India’s land
              Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures      under seismic zones III, IV and V.
              Subjected to Seismic Forces
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