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IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tip 8

             What is the Seismic Design Philosophy for Buildings?                                           page 2
            damage is unavoidable.  Different types of damage   factors  affecting the building performance. Thus,
            (mainly visualized through cracks; especially so  in   earthquake-resistant design strives to predetermine
            concrete and masonry buildings) occur in buildings   the locations where damage takes place and then  to
            during earthquakes. Some of these cracks  are       provide good detailing  at these locations to ensure
            acceptable (in terms of both their  size and  location),   ductile behaviour of the building.
            while others  are not. For instance,  in a reinforced
            concrete frame building with masonry filler walls                                       Ductile
            between columns, the cracks between vertical columns                                    Performance
            and masonry filler walls are acceptable, but diagonal
            cracks running through the columns are not (Figure 2).
            In general, qualified technical professionals  are
            knowledgeable of the causes  and severity of damage     Total Horizontal Earthquake Force   on Building   Brittle
            in earthquake-resistant buildings.                                                    Collapse

                                                                          Horizontal Movement of Roof of Building
                                                                                  relative to its base
                                                                  (a) Building performances during earthquakes:
                                                                     two extremes – the ductile and the brittle.

             Figure 2: Diagonal cracks in columns jeopardize
                 vertical load carrying capacity of buildings -
                 unacceptable damage.
                                                                                                           Earthquake Design Criteria, EERI, USA
               Earthquake-resistant design is therefore concerned                                        Photo from: Housner & Jennings,
            about ensuring that the damages in buildings during
            earthquakes are of the acceptable variety, and also that
            they occur at the right places  and in  right amounts.
            This approach of earthquake-resistant design is much
            like the use of electrical fuses in houses: to protect the   (b) Brittle failure of a reinforced concrete
            entire electrical wiring and appliances in the house,  you   column
            sacrifice some small parts  of the electrical circuit,  called   Figure 3: Ductile and brittle structures – seismic
            fuses; these fuses are easily replaced after the electrical over-  design attempts to avoid structures of the latter
            current. Likewise, to save the building from collapsing,
            you need to allow some pre-determined parts to
            undergo the acceptable type and level of damage.      Reading Material
            Acceptable Damage: Ductility                        Naeim,F., Ed., (2001), The Seismic Design Handbook, Kluwer Academic
               So, the task now is to identify acceptable forms of   Publishers, USA
            damage and desirable building behaviour during      Ambrose,J., and Vergun,D., (1999), Design for Earthquakes, John Wiley
            earthquakes. To do this, let us first understand how   & Sons, Inc., USA

            different materials behave. Consider  white chalk  used
            to write on blackboards and steel pins with solid heads   Authored by:
            used to hold sheets of paper together. Yes… a chalk    C.V.R.Murty
            breaks easily!! On the contrary, a steel pin allows it to be   Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
            bent back-and-forth. Engineers define the property that   Kanpur, India
            allows  steel pins to bend back-and-forth by large    Sponsored by:
            amounts, as ductility; chalk is a brittle material.    Building Materials and Technology Promotion
               Earthquake-resistant buildings, particularly their   Council, New Delhi, India
            main elements, need to be built with ductility in them.
            Such buildings have the ability to sway back-and-forth   This release  is  a property of  IIT Kanpur  and BMTPC  New
            during an earthquake,  and to withstand earthquake     Delhi. It may be reproduced without changing its contents
            effects with some damage, but without collapse         and with  due  acknowledgement.  Suggestions/comments
                                                                   may be  sent  to:  Visit  or
            (Figure 3).  Ductility   is one of the  most important, to see previous IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips.

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