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                                                                   8               Earthquake Design
                               Earthquake Tip                                      and


             What is the Seismic Design Philosophy for Buildings?

            The Earthquake Problem                                 may sustain severe (even irreparable) damage, but
                   Severity of ground shaking at a given location   the building should not collapse.
            during an earthquake can be  minor,  moderate and
            strong. Relatively speaking,  minor shaking  occurs
            frequently, moderate shaking occasionally and strong
            shaking rarely. For instance,  on average  annually
            about  800 earthquakes of magnitude  5.0-5.9 occur in
            the world while the number is only about  18  for
            magnitude range 7.0-7.9 (see  Table 1  of  IITK-BMTPC
            Earthquake Tip  03 at So, should  we    Minor Shaking
            design and  construct a  building to  resist that  rare
            earthquake shaking that may come only once in 500
            years or even once in 2000 years at the chosen project           Moderate Shaking
            site, even though the life of the building itself may be
            only 50 or 100 years? Since it costs money to provide
            additional earthquake safety in buildings, a conflict
            arises: Should we do away with the design of buildings for             Strong Shaking
            earthquake effects? Or should we design the buildings to be
            “earthquake proof” wherein there is no damage during the   Figure 1: Performance objectives under different
            strong but rare earthquake shaking?  Clearly, the former   intensities of earthquake shaking – seeking
            approach can lead to a major disaster, and the second    low repairable damage under minor shaking and
            approach  is too expensive.  Hence, the design             collapse-prevention under strong shaking.
            philosophy should lie  somewhere  in between  these
            two extremes.                                           Thus,  after  minor shaking, the building will be
            Earthquake-Resistant Buildings                      fully operational within  a short time and the repair
               The engineers do not attempt to make earthquake-  costs will be small. And, after moderate shaking, the
            proof buildings that  will not get damaged even during   building will be operational once the repair and
            the rare but strong earthquake; such buildings will be   strengthening of the damaged main members is
            too robust and  also too expensive. Instead, the    completed. But, after a strong earthquake, the building
            engineering intention is to make buildings earthquake-  may become dysfunctional for further use, but will
            resistant;  such buildings  resist the effects of ground   stand so that people can be evacuated and property
            shaking, although they may get damaged severely but   recovered.
            would not collapse during the strong earthquake.        The consequences of damage have to be kept in
            Thus,  safety of people  and contents is  assured  in   view in the design philosophy. For example, important
            earthquake-resistant buildings, and thereby a disaster   buildings, like hospitals and fire stations, play a critical
            is avoided. This is a major objective of seismic design   role in post-earthquake activities and must remain
            codes throughout the world.                         functional immediately  after the earthquake. These
            Earthquake Design Philosophy                        structures must sustain very little damage and should
                                                                be designed for a higher level of earthquake
               The earthquake design philosophy may be          protection. Collapse of dams during earthquakes can
            summarized as follows (Figure 1):                   cause flooding in the downstream reaches, which itself
            (a) Under minor but frequent shaking, the main      can be a secondary disaster. Therefore, dams (and
               members of  the building that carry  vertical and   similarly, nuclear power  plants) should be designed
               horizontal forces should not be damaged; however   for still higher level of earthquake motion.
               building parts that do not carry load  may sustain
               repairable damage.                               Damage in Buildings: Unavoidable
            (b) Under moderate but occasional  shaking, the main    Design of buildings to resist earthquakes involves
               members may sustain repairable damage, while the   controlling the damage to acceptable levels at a reasonable
               other parts of the building may be damaged such   cost. Contrary to the common thinking that any crack
               that they may even have  to be replaced after the   in the building after an earthquake means the building
               earthquake; and                                  is unsafe for habitation, engineers designing
            (c) Under strong but rare shaking, the main members   earthquake-resistant buildings recognize that some
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