Page 14 - EQTips_Eng
P. 14


                                                                   7               Earthquake Design
                               Earthquake Tip                                      and


             How Buildings twist during Earthquakes?

            Why a Building Twists                                      Uniform Movement
               In your childhood, you must have sat  on a rope                 of Floor
            swing - a wooden cradle tied with coir ropes to the
            sturdy branch of an old tree. The  more modern
            versions of these swings can be  seen today  in the
            children’s parks  in urban areas; they  have  a plastic
            cradle tied  with steel chains to a steel framework.
            Consider a rope swing that is tied identically with two
            equal ropes. It swings equally, when you sit in the
            middle of the cradle. Buildings too are like these rope                        Earthquake

            swings; just that they are inverted swings (Figure 1).   Identical Vertical    Ground
            The vertical walls and columns are like the ropes, and      Members            Movement
            the floor is like the cradle. Buildings vibrate back and

            forth during earthquakes.  Buildings with more than   Figure 2: Identical vertical members placed
            one storey  are like rope swings with  more than one      uniformly in plan of building cause all points
            cradle.                                                   on the floor to move by same amount.
                                                                      Again, let us go back to the rope swings on the
                                                                tree: if you sit at one end of the cradle, it  twists  (i.e.,
                                                                moves more on the side you are sitting). This also
                                                                happens sometimes when more of your friends bunch
                                                                together and sit on one side of the swing. Likewise, if
                                                                the mass on the floor of a building is more on one side
                                                                (for instance, one side of a building may have a storage
                                                                or a library), then that side of the building moves more
                                                                under ground movement (Figure  3). This building
                                                                moves such that its floors displace horizontally as well
                                                                as rotate.


             (a) Single-storey building  (b) Three-storey building

            Figure 1: Rope swings and buildings, both swing

                 back-and-forth when shaken horizontally. The         Light Side

               former are hung from the top, while the latter      of Building

               are raised from the ground.

               Thus, if you see from sky, a building with identical                                Heavy Side
            vertical members and that are uniformly placed in the       Ground Shaking             of Building
            two horizontal directions, when shaken at its base in a
            certain direction, swings back and forth such that all      Figure 3: Even if vertical members are placed
                                                                     uniformly in plan of building, more mass on
            points on the floor move horizontally by the same          one side causes the floors to twist.
            amount in the direction in which it is shaken (Figure 2).
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