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IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tip 12

             How do Brick Masonry Houses behave during Earthquakes?                                         page 2
            How to Improve Behaviour of Masonry Walls           Choice and Quality of Building Materials
               Masonry walls are slender because of their small     Earthquake performance of a masonry wall is very
            thickness compared to their height and length. A    sensitive to the properties of its constituents, namely
            simple way of making these walls behave well during   masonry units and mortar. The properties of these
            earthquake shaking is by making them act together as   materials vary across India due to variation in raw
            a box along with the roof at the top and with the   materials and construction methods. A variety  of
            foundation  at the bottom. A number  of construction   masonry units are used in the country, e.g., clay bricks
            aspects are required to ensure this box action. Firstly,   (burnt  and  unburnt), concrete blocks (solid  and
            connections  between the  walls should be good. This   hollow), stone  blocks.  Burnt clay bricks  are most
            can be achieved by (a) ensuring good interlocking of   commonly used. These bricks are inherently porous,
            the masonry courses  at the junctions,  and  (b)    and so they absorb water. Excessive porosity is
            employing horizontal bands at various levels,       detrimental to good masonry behaviour because the
            particularly  at the lintel  level. Secondly, the sizes  of   bricks suck  away water  from the  adjoining mortar,
            door and window openings need to be kept small. The   which results in poor bond between brick and mortar,
            smaller the  openings, the larger is  the resistance   and in difficulty in positioning masonry units. For this
            offered by the wall. Thirdly, the tendency of a wall to   reason, bricks with low porosity are to be used, and
            topple when pushed in  the weak  direction can  be   they must be soaked in water before use to minimise
            reduced by limiting its length-to-thickness and height-  the amount of water drawn away from the mortar.
            to-thickness ratios (Figure 3). Design codes specify    Various mortars are used, e.g., mud, cement-sand,
            limits for these ratios. A wall that is too tall or too long   or cement-sand-lime. Of these,  mud mortar  is the
            in comparison to its  thickness,  is particularly   weakest; it crushes easily when dry, flows outward
            vulnerable to shaking in its weak direction (Figure 3).   and has very low earthquake resistance.  Cement-sand
                                                                mortar with lime is the most suitable. This mortar mix
                                                                provides excellent workability for  laying bricks,
                                                                stretches without crumbling at  low earthquake
                                                                shaking, and bonds well with bricks. The earthquake
                                                                response of  masonry walls depends on the relative
                                                  Overturning   strengths of brick and mortar. Bricks must be stronger
                                                                than mortar. Excessive thickness of  mortar is not
                             Overturning                        desirable. A 10mm thick mortar layer is  generally
                                                                satisfactory  from    practical   and    aesthetic
                                                                considerations. Indian Standards  prescribe the
                                                                preferred types and grades of bricks and mortars to be
                                                                used in buildings in each seismic zone.
                  Soil                   Soil
                 Thick Wall (1½ brick)   Short Wall (1 brick)   Related               Earthquake Tip
                    versus                    versus            Tip 5: What are the seismic effects on structures?
                 Thin Wall (1 brick)      Tall Wall (1 brick)     Reading Material

                                                                IS 1905, (1987),  Indian Standard Code of Practice for Structural  Use of
                                                                  Unreinforced Masonry, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
                                                Inertia force   IS 4326, (1993), Indian Standard Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant
             Large portion of wall              from roof

             not supported by                                     Design and Construction of Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards,
             cross walls                                          New Delhi

                                                                IS 13828, (1993),  Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving Earthquake
                                                                  Resistance of Low-strength Masonry Buildings, Bureau of Indian
                                              Cross Wall          Standards, New Delhi
                                                                Paulay,T., and Priestley,M.J.N., (1992), Seismic Design of Reinforced
             Cross Wall          Long Wall
                                                                   Concrete and Masonry Buildings, John Wiley & Sons, USA

                                                                  Authored by:
                                                                   Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
                                                                   Kanpur, India
                                                                  Sponsored by:
                                                  Short Wall       Building Materials and Technology Promotion
                    Good support offered                           Council, New Delhi, India
                         by cross walls

            Figure 3: Slender walls are vulnerable – height      This release  is  a property of  IIT Kanpur  and BMTPC  New
                and length to be kept within limits. Note: In this   Delhi. It may be reproduced without changing its contents
                figure, the effect of roof on walls is not shown.   and with  due  acknowledgement.  Suggestions/comments
                                                                   may be  sent  to:  Visit  or
                                                         , to see previous IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips.
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