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IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tip 14

             Why are Horizontal Bands necessary in Masonry Buildings?                                       page 2
            Design of Lintel Bands
               During earthquake shaking, the lintel band                               Wood Spacers
            undergoes bending and pulling actions (Figure 3). To
            resist these  actions, the  construction  of lintel band      Wood
            requires special attention. Bands can be made of wood       Runners
            (including bamboo splits) or of reinforced concrete                    A
            (RC) (Figure 4); the RC bands are the best. The straight                              B
            lengths of the band must be properly connected at the
            wall corners. This will allow the band to support walls
            loaded in their weak direction by walls loaded in their                 (a) Wooden Band
            strong direction. Small lengths of wood spacers (in
            wooden bands) or steel links (in RC bands) are used to
            make the straight lengths of wood runners or steel
            bars act together. In wooden bands, proper nailing of         Steel
            straight lengths with spacers is important. Likewise, in      Links
            RC bands, adequate anchoring of steel links with steel                 A
            bars is necessary.                                        Steel Bars                B

                          Bending of          Pulling of              Practices
                          Lintel Band         Lintel Band

                              Direction of
                               Inertia Force


                                                                  Practice           (b) RC Band

                                                                 Figure 4: Horizontal Bands in masonry buildings
                                                                      – RC bands are the best.

                               Direction of
                               earthquake                       Related               Earthquake Tip
                                                                Tip 5: What are the seismic effects on structures?
                                                                Tip12: How brick masonry houses behave during earthquakes?
                                                                Tip13:  Why masonry buildings should have simple structural
                              75 mm     mm                      Reading Material
                                                                IAEE, (1986),  Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Non-Engineered
                                                                  Engineering, Tokyo, available on
                                                                IS 4326, (1993), Indian Standard Code of Practice for Earthquake Resistant
                  Small                         Large             Design and Construction of Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards,
                                                                  New Delhi
                                                                IS 13828, (1993),  Indian Standard Guidelines for Improving Earthquake
                           Cross-section of                       Resistance of Low-strength Masonry Buildings, Bureau of Indian
                             Lintel Bands                         Standards, New Delhi

             Figure 3: Bending and pulling in lintel bands –
                Bands must be capable of resisting these.         Authored by:
                                                                   Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
            Indian Standards                                       Kanpur, India
               The Indian  Standards IS:4326-1993  and IS:13828   Sponsored by:
            (1993) provide sizes  and  details of the bands. When   Building Materials and Technology Promotion
            wooden bands are used, the cross-section of runners is   Council, New Delhi, India
            to be at  least 75mm×38mm and of  spacers  at least
            50mm×30mm. When RC bands are used, the minimum       This release  is  a property of  IIT Kanpur  and BMTPC  New
            thickness is  75mm, and  at least two bars of 8mm      Delhi. It may be reproduced without changing its contents
            diameter are required, tied across with steel links of at   and with  due  acknowledgement.  Suggestions/comments
                                                                   may be  sent  to:  Visit  or
            least 6mm diameter at a spacing of 150 mm centers., to see previous IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips.

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