Page 111 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 111

Soclal Impacte & Emergency Response
                       Chapter 7

                       Efforts should be made on a national level to develop resource material and kits
                       for training relief workers and officials. An action plan or step-by-step procedure
                       to respond to natural disasters such as earthquakes should  be developed.  This
                       plan should be developed keeping in mind the role that all  levels of governance
                       and NGOs can play in the respective areas of competence.  A  general confusion
                       which ensues in such disasters which makes relief work extremely difficult can
                       be avoided and affected people can be better served.

                       CHAPTER CONTRIBUTOR
                       Durgesh C. Rai

                                         Jabalpur Eathquake of May 22,  1997                      101
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