Page 106 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 106

Chapter 6

                      Weight of staging, W3-4.17 MN
                      Total seismic weight, W= W+W2+W3/3  32.3  MN
                      and it is assumed to be  lumped   at 23  m  from the  base
                 Approx.  calculation of structure's period
                     Young's modulus    of reinforced  concrete,  E  =   25 500 MPa
                     Moment of inertia of  the  staging  section at the base, I  375 mf
                     Lateral stiffness of the staging (approx.), K - 1 960 kN/ mm
                     Lateral deflection of  lumped  mass due to a  force  equal   to the seismic  weight,
                     S  =   W/K  =16.5  mm
                      . Period,  T   =   27/8/g  =0.26 s
                 Calculation of Design Seismic Force
                     Seismic coefficient,  Fo   =   0.2  (Zone  III)
                     Importance factor, I =1.5
                     Spectral acceleration for  T=0.26 s and 5%  damping (assumed), Sa= 0.2g
                     Horizontal Seismic coefficient, ah =  (1.2)(1.5)(0.2)(0.2)  =  0.072
                     Design  base shear, V  =   (0.072)(32.3 MN)   =   2330 kN
                     Design overturning moment, M= (2330 kN)(23 m) = 53.6 MN m  = 5 460 t m
                     (Compare it with the original design value of 5 350 t m)
                 Elastic Stress  Analysis  of Staging
                 The adequacy of the most critical section at the base was examined using an elas
                 tic stress analysis procedure given by Pinfold (1989). Analysis results can be sum-
                 marized in Fig. A6-2. It should be noted that the eccentricity, e =M/P, measured
                 from the centre of the section at, which the axial force,P (i.e, total weight of the
                 structure) is assumed to act, is a measure of applied lateral force. The eccentricity
                 and the location of the neutral axis from the top compression fibre,x is normal
                 ized with respect the mean radius of the shell. The concrete and steel stresses are

                                                                   Steel Ratio =  1%

                                                    08  All Steel Str.  0.74

                                                          All.  Conc. Str. =0.47 c
                                                        --                   -

                 Figure A6-2. Elastic               0.2
                 stress analysis of a  sec-
                 tion at the base of stag
                 ing.                                  0       0.2    0.4     0.6     0.8


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