Page 101 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 101

Chapter 6                                                                 Lifelines

                                                 BARGI  DAM  TOE  POW ER  HOUSE
                         EL  427                      M.P.E.  B.  BARGI  NAGAR


                      EL  396

                                                                                    EL 365
                                                                                EL  358

                     Figure 6-6. A  cross-sectional view of the power house at the Bargi Dam.

                     However,  the  power  house  stopped  its  electric  power  generation  when  the
                     ground shaking tripped the system. The power house was operational after few
                     hours during which the facility  was inspected for  any  damage.  Some cosmetic
                     damage due to pounding at the junctions of structural units were observed. The
                     power house building is  a  concrete frame  system,  21.6  m  long separated in to
                     three structural units  by  construction  joints.  A  cross-sectional view of the
                     house is shown in  Fig.   6-6. The  gaps provided  as construction  joints  seemed not
                     adequate to accommodate seismic deformations that building units experienced
                     during the earthquake.

                     No seismic instruments were installed on the  Bargi  Dam structure. The
                     damage to power house building, tripping of the power generation system, and
                     damage   to residential  quarters,   offices and other  buildings   in  the   nearby  Bargi
                     Nagar,  suggest that the area suffered moderate  to  major shaking.  It  should be
                     noted that the dam and
                                              power   house structures were not  subjected   to  the  max-
                     imum credible  earthquake  and  therefore, there is no cause for
                     the seismic  safety  of these structures. Since real  earthquake provide   about
                     of  earthquake performance,  it is  imperative  that                 the best test
                     such  as  Bargi  Dam, should be  provided   with   important engineering structures
                                                                    adequate  instrumentation  so  that
                     quantitative evidence can be gathered which will help evaluate the safety of these

                                        Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997
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