Page 96 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 96

Chapter 6                                                                LIfelines

                       Figure 6-1.  Damaged
                       Gulaotal overhead
                       water reservoir. It devel-
                       oped flexure cracks
                       along the perimeter near
                       the base.

                       Gulaotal Overhead Water Reservoir

                       A5 lac gallon (2 270 kilo liters) overhead concrete water reservoir, about 10 year
                      old, in Gulaotal area developed cracks in its circular shaft type staging (Fig. 6-1).
                       Flexure cracks were observed all around the staging near the base and some diag
                      onal cracks originating from corners of openings (Fig. 6-2). Following the earth
                      quake the city officials stopped the filling of the tank which severely affected the
                      supply of drinking water in the tank's feeding area. The facility was closed and a
                      notice was displayed advising people to stay clear of the damaged tank as a pre
                      caution.  (Fig.  6-3).  However, the tank was not in any danger of imminent col


                      A  preliminary calculation (see Appendix below) showed that the staging of the
                      tank could withstand about 3  times of the code (IS:1893-1984)  specified lateral

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