Page 95 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 95

Chapter 6                                 Lifelines

                    Lifelines are those services and facilities which are crucial to health and safety of
                    civic communities and smooth functioning of urban areas. Lifelines are critical
                    for the emergency response, rescue and relief operations following natural disas
                    ters such as an earthquake. It is imperative that these  services should remain
                    functional during and after an earthquake. Such facilities include drinking water
                    supply, electric  power, transportation and telecommunication.  In this chapter,
                    the seismic performance of many of these facilities in and around the Jabalpur
                    city is described.

                     DRINKING WATER SUPPLY

                     The drinking water supply was affected in many parts of the Jabalpur city.  In
                     most part of the city the drinking water is provided by local groundwater basins
                     pumped up by tube-wells. The water is  distributed by a  system of overhead
                     water tanks and underground pipelines. Underground pipelines, especially at
                     joints, broke at as many as twenty places. There were complains of the tap water
                     being muddy which was probably due to the contamination from leaking and
                     open joints in the pipework. Steel pipes, some already weakened by corrosion,
                     broke during the ground shaking  Most of breaks were repaired in two to five

                     The eight wards of the city area were seriously affected by the disruption of water
                     supply. Emergency supply of water was provided by tanker trucks in Tripuri,
                     Suji Mohalla and Temar-Bhita areas. On Lalpur road, the Medical College and
                     Hospital lost the water supply and the army was called in for assistance.

                     Most of overhead reservoir structures in the city survived the earthquake without

                     any apparent damage.     One noticeable  exception  was Gulaotal overhead water
                      tank in Garha area which is described in the   following  section.

                                         Jabalpur Earthquakeof May  22,  1997                       85
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