Page 91 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 91

Miscellaneous Bulldings
                         Chapter 5

                          Figure  5-2.  Undamaged  Medical  College building,   Garha Road.

                          INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES
                          Many  industries  are  located  in  the  earthquake affected  area,  including  three
                          major defense related and two telecommunications factories. The Ordnance Fac-
                          tory at Khamaria (OFK) is the oldest ordnance factory in the country. Its engineer-
                          ing shops suffered extensive damage resulting in closure of many units. At OFK,
                          among 1943 factory  units,  59  were  critically  damaged  and  239  received  major
                          damage. Most of engineering sheds were either flat RC roofs or corrugated asbes-
                          tos sheets supported either on brick masonry walls or RC columns or a combina-
                          tion thereof. In-plane shear damage to masonry walls was most visible mode of
                          failure. The other common failure was that of gable walls. There were'flexure fail
                          ures of tall unbraced masonry walls. Out-of-plane damage to top portions of end
                          retaining walls for  many of earthen dykes  was observed. These earthen dykes
                          were constructed around the "filling"  sheds to confine  the damage in a  case of
                          accidental explosion.

                          The Gun Carriage Factory (GCF) and the Vehicle Factory suffered relatively less
                          damage. At GCË, a significant amount of damage to gable walls of large indus
                          trial sheds was observed. Excessive vibration and noise was noticed while oper
                          ating overhead cranes in few  sheds after the quake.

                                            Jabalpur Earthquake of  May  22,  1997                    81
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