Page 90 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 90

Chapter 5                                                  Miscellaneous Buildinggs

                     Figure 5-1. Roof slab on the stairwell dangerously hanging as slender masonry
                     walls supporting the slab failed.

                     most of these buildings, severe damage of stairwells was noted and the falling
                     debris had blocked the exit path which could have injured those escaping the
                     building had it been occupied during the earthquake.


                    The two major hospitals in the Jabalpur city, Medical College on Garha Road and
                    Victoria Hospital, were used for treating those injured in the earthquake. How
                    ever, most of such cases were reported to the Victoria Hospital. The Victoria Hos
                    pital also suffered minor damage to its structures. The water supply to Medical
                    College was disrupted after the earthquake which seriously affected its normal
                    functioning.  The army was called in to help restore water supply. The electric
                    power and water supply are the two most important services which should have
                    been available at the hospital facilities in order to respond to medical emergen-
                    cies. A backup power supply and an alternative arrangements for water supply
                    is a  must for hospitals. The building structure as such did not suffer any struc-
                    tural damage (Fig. 5-2). Some cosmetic cracks in plasters were seen at few places
                    as the RC frame had moved relative to brick infills.

                                      Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                       80
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