Page 54 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 54

Chapter 3                             Brick Masonry & Reintorced Concrete Buildings

                                                 Lack of continuity

                     Figure 3-2. Schematic showing the lack of continuity in various modules of the
                     New Hostel, Agriculture University.

                     to strengthen the shear load paths of the connecting vertical structural members
                     of its various modules.  It is also necessary to check the  diaphragm for  tensile
                     stresses near the re-entrant corners. The staircases need to be either relocated or
                     isolated from the rest of the building.

                     College of Agriculture Building, Agriculture University

                     The H-shaped building (Fig. 3-3) suffered damage to its masonry walls which is
                     concentrated at corners of the plan offsets, at the ends and the middle portion of
                     the building as shown in Figs. 3-4 and 3-5. These plan offsets lacked connection
                     to primary lateral elements of the buildings which also suffered out-of-plane fail-
                     ures. The damage to upper stories only could be due to the amplified ground
                     motions for the upper floors. Such corner damages were typical to many URMs
                     in the earthquake affected areas.

                    Vertical Discontinuity

                     5-Storey Himgiri Apartments,  Wrighty Town
                    The vertical framing system which resists the lateral loads imposed by seismic
                    forces should be continuous to the foundation. Vertical discontinuity in a weak
                    RC frame with infill wall was created when all infilled walls were not continuous
                    to the foundation and, instead, they stopped at the second floor (Figs. 3-6 & 3-7).

                                       Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                        44
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