Page 56 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 56

Chapter 3                              Brick  Masonry  & Relnforced Concrete  Bullding

                      Figure 3-5. Out-of-
                      plane damage to a URM
                      wall at the corner

                     The overturning forces developing in the wall above had to continue down to the
                     foundation through the columns in the first storey as shown in Fig. 3-8. These col-
                     umns were designed for vertical loads from gravity only and were easily over-
                     whelmed by axial loads imposed by four storey high walls. Figure 3-9 shows the
                     failed section of a  first storey column of open bays near the first floor.  Further
                     more, the lateral  strength  of the first  storey  would be less than 80% of the  top  sto-
                     reys  due to  open bays  and therefore,  the first  storey  was a  weak  storey.

                     The building was deficient in the strength of its first storey columns which sup-
                     port  the brick infill walls from the floors above.  Strengthening  of the columns to
                     support  the  gravity plus overturning  forces is the minimum effort needed for ret-
                     rofitting  of the  building.  Also,  the shear transferring  ability  of the  diaphragm  at
                     the level of discontinuity  should be checked.

                                        Jabalpur Earthquake of May  22,  1997                     46
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