Page 11 - Jabalpur_EQ
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Chapter 1                                Introduction

                        A  moderate earthquake (M,=6.0) struck Central India on the morning hours of
                       May 22,1997. The epicenter of the earthquake was located about 12 km SE to the
                       city of Jabalpur. The earthquake caused considerable damage and loss of life. The
                       maximum intensity observed in the epicentral area due to this earthquake was
                       VIII on MMI scale. Jabalpur city and several villages located within a  radius of
                       about 15 km around the epicenter (Fig. 1.1) suffered heavy damage. The epicenter
                       of this earthuake lies in the zone III of the seismic zoning map of India as shown
                       in Fig. 1.2 (BIS 1984). The maximum damage was observed in Kosamghat village
                       which was totally razed to the ground due to intense shaking and poor construc-
                       tion practices.  Water supply to some localities in the city of Jabalpur was dis-
                       rupted due to damage of underground pipe-lines and a  water tank. Telephone
                       lines and power supply was also affected due to this earthquake. The duration of
                       the shaking in the epicentral area was about 15-30 seconds. The earthquake was
                       felt in the entire Madhya Pradesh and adjoining districts of Uttar Pradesh, and
                       Maharastra. Under very favourable condition the earthquake was felt in multi-
                       story buildings  as far  as in Delhi and Patna.

                       The seismicity of the  Indian subcontinent is  characterized by  major  interplate
                       seismicity along the Himalayan plate boundary and small to moderate size intra-
                       plate seismicity in the Peninsular India. The Indian Peninsula has been geolog-
                       ically considered as one of the oldest land masses of the earth crust. It is supposed
                       to  be a  Precambrian shield which has been subjected to  tectonic and orogenic
                       activities in  its  subsequent geological history.  The  recent  earthquakes (Koyna
                       1967,  Latur 1993 and  Jabalpur 1997)  of the  Peninsular India  brings out certain
                        aspects contrary to the widespread opinion that it is a stable land mass devoid of
                        significant earthquake activity. The observed  pattern of seismicity of  the  Penin-
                        sular India depicts that the Indian shield has been subjected to blocks tectonics.

                                          Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                        1
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