Page 16 - Jabalpur_EQ
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                  Chapter 1

                  rience  an  amplified  motion  and  this  amplification  varies  with  their  dynamic
                  charcteristics.  It  is  conjectured  that  the  peak  ground  acceleration  would  have
                  been between 0.15 to 0.25g in most affected areas.

                  ECONOMC LOSS
                  It is rather difficult to estimate the extent of financial loss caused by the Jabalpur
                  earthquake.   It is  more cumbersome in an  economy  which is so  fragmented   and
                  disorganised.  Moreover, the  long  term adverse  impacts  on the local  economy  due
                  to costs incurred in reconstruction and  rehabilitation will  be difficult  to  assess.
                  However, initial estimates of economic loss based on the reconnaissance survey
                  carried out by the Governmental agencies put the figure about Rs 1 500 millions.
                  Later on, this figure was revised upwards to Rs 5 000 millions (Nav Bharat May 24


                  The Department of Earthquake Engineering, University of Roorkee dispatched
                  authors to carry out the post-earthquake damage survey of the Jabalpur earth-
                  quake with the following objectives:

                     1.  To  observe and  document the effect of earthquake on the built environ-

                     2.  To disseminate the lessons learned from the earthquake to the earthquake
                         engineering profession;
                     3.  To study the nature and extent of damage and degree of shaking for  the
                        purpose  assigning    intensities to various localities;
                     4.  To  evaluate  the  existing  design  and  construction  practices  and  suggest
                        changes into standard practices;
                     5.  To  make recommendations for  detailed study of a  specific aspect/effect
                        which need further examination and scrutiny.

                  This  report provides  systematic  documention of the  seismicity  of the  region,  the
                  seismic performance  of the constructed facilities, the geographical  distribution of
                  intensity  of the  shaking  and a  few  case studies of structural performance.  In the
                  following section, a  summary of observations and recommendations to mitigate
                  seismic hazard are provided.


                  Following  observations and  recommendations can be made as a  result of inves-
                  tigating   the  effects  of  the  Jabalpur  earthquake.   The  lessons  learned  from  the
                  Jabalpur earthquake  would   help  the  earthquake engineering profession  to focus
                  on areas which need more study as well as to take measures in order to mitigate
                  damage in future earthquakes.

                                     Jabalpur Earthquake f May  22,  1997
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