Page 17 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 17

Chapter 1

                  1.  Greater effect on modern urban centres: The damage caused by moderate-
                      size,  shallow  earthquakes  increases  proportionally  with  the  growth  of
                      urban centers and population. This observation was once again verified in
                      the Jabalpur earthquake of May 22, 1997. An area of about 15 km in radius
                      was severely affected by the earthquake, which caused extensive damage
                      to residential houses and to office buildings and caused tremendous eco-
                      nomic loss.

                   2.  Compliance with  seismic  codes:  Significant  damage  to  residential  and
                      commercial buildings result from prevailing construction practices to meet
                      building needs of a rapidly growing population in urban areas, especially
                      at a  medium to low economic level. An architecture which not only meets
                      the  requirements  of  habitability  but  also  sound  earthquake-resistant
                      design should  be  emphasized  and  propagated.  The  extent  of  damage
                      would have  been  drastically  reduced had modern earthquake-resistant
                      design procedures and construction practices been followed, e.g, the pro-
                      visions of the Indian seismic codes.
                   3.  Emphasis on construction quality: Units built by private builders either
                      for government agencies or for sale in the market, have performed rather
                      poorly when compared to owner-built units. One major factor responsible
                      for this marked difference in performance is the quality of construction
                      and workmanship. It is general observation that contractors and private
                      builders cut  corners for certain  types  of clients and  jobs.
                   4.  Emphasis on structural design:Structural design is not as exciting as out
                      ward appearance (i.e., "skin") defining the architecture of the structure. It
                      is especially true in case of buildings where designers, architects and con-
                      tractors hesitate to spend in sound structural design, in spite of the fact that
                      structural costs are marginal. It is hoped that the experience at the Jabalpur
                      earthquake will motivate the building industry to take a careful look espe-
                      cially in high seismic regions.
                   5.  Emphasis on ductility: It should be emphasised that the earthquake-resis-
                      tant design derives much of its success from the provisions which ensure
                      inelastic deformability of structural components and energy dissipation
                      capacity and less from the concept of lateral load coefficients and response
                      spectra. Such ductility provisions specified in the IS:13920-1993 should be
                      followed for all RC structures
                   6.  Brittleness of masonry infills: The widespread damage done to infill walls
                      calls for more in-depth study. The members, which were non-structural for
                      gravity loads, became very effective structurally in resisting seismic forces
                      in the  earthquake.  The  brittle nature of unreinforced infills  resulted  in
                      severe diagonal shear cracking and out-of-plane instability, causing a fall
                      ing hazard. The cost of repairing damages to  infills can be substantial.
                      There is an urgent need to develop techniques to increase the ductility of
                      unreinforced infills which can be used for retrofitting and strengthening of
                      already damaged walls.
                   7.  Stair enclosure walls: Stair enclosures were observed to be extremely sus-
                      ceptible to  damage in residential buildings which otherwise performed

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