Page 19 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 19

Chapter 1


                      Tipping of shivlings in Bheraghat
                      In Bheraghat area, approx. 24 km from the epicenter, in a store full  of shivlingsof
                      varying sizes arranged on the floor, overtoppled from the seat except one weigh-
                      ing about 40 kg. For a shivling to unseat, it has to overturn about the edge of a very
                      shallow bowl in which it sits as shown in Fig. A1-1  and the overturning moment
                      due to inertial forces must be greater than the stabilizing moment due to gravity
                       Therefore, the acceleration, a at the c.g. of a shivling which will cause it  to over-
                      turn can be related to geometrical distances.r and y between the centre of gravity
                      and the centre of rotation (Fig.  A1-la) as,

                                                     a2(x/y)g8                               (EQ A.1)

                      For  the  largest shivling that was overturned, x=45  mm and y=140 mm, which
                      implies that the acceleraion, a was at least equal to 0.3g. For the largest shivling
                      that was not overturned but slightly tilted, x and y were measured to be 75  mm
                      and 180 mm, repectively, which means that the acceleration was less than 0.4g.

                      Rocking ofa granary at Chattarpur

                      Peak acceleration at Chattarpur village can be estimated from the observd rock-
                      ing of a brick granary (schematic shown in Fig. A1-2). Horizontal cracks in mud
                      plaster at the base of granary and the pedestal on which it was supported indi-
                      cated the rocking of the granary during the quake. Since there was no mechanical
                      connection between the base of granary and the pedestal, the acceleration that
                      would be required for  "just lift"  condition can be given by Eq.  A.1.  Using the
                      dimensions shown in Fig.  A1-2, the acceleration to which the granary was sub-
                      jeced is estimated to be 0.4g.

                                                               Centre of

                                                              Centre of

                       Figure  A1-1.  Overturning   of  a
                                                         777777T77                           T

                                        Jabalpur Earthquake of May  22,  1997                    9
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