Page 23 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 23

Chapter 2                                   Seismological


              The Jabalpur earthquake caused general panic and awoke people out of sleep in
              Jabalpur city and nearby areas. The earthquake was felt in most parts of Madhya
              Pradesh state and adjoining districts of Uttar Pradesh and Maharastra (e.g., Alla-
              habad,  Kanpur,  Lucknow,  Bundelkhand,  Nagpur,  Amarawati, Chandrapur,
              Bhandara, Bandhi,  Wardha).  The  epicenter  of  the  earthquake  seems  to  have
              occurred along the segment of the Narmada-Son Lineament (Fig. 2-1). The earth-
              quake  parameters  reported  by  various  agencies  are  listed  in  Table  2-1.  The
              revised epicenter (23.083°N; 80.081°E) reported by USGS seems to be most reli
              able which is computed from phase data collected from 242 seismological sta-
              tions. The epicenter is located about 12 km from Jabalpur city in the South-East
              direction. The earthquake has been assigned magnitudes M=6.0, M=5.6 and a
              focal depth =36  km. The fault plane solution of earthquake shows a dominant
              thrust component along ENE-WSW trending nodal plane with a minor strike slip
              component (Table 2-2).  The earthquake had negligible foreshock activity but a
              sizable aftershock activity. One person from village Garhakota reported  hat he
              felt a feeble foreshock around 3.00 am in the morning of May 22, 1997.

               TABLE 2-1. Parameters of the  Jabalpur Earthquake

                Agency                Epicenter            Magnitude     Focal    Origin Time
                            Lat (°N)      Long (°E)     |M,     |Ms      (km)
                USGS         23.177         80.021       6.1      5.7     32        04:21:28.97

               USGS          23.083         80.081       6.0      5.6     36        04:21:28.70

               IMD           23.10          80.10        6.0
                NGRI         30 km from                  5.8
                             Jabalpur city

                                 Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                         13
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