Page 20 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 20

                  Chapter 1

                  Figure  A1-2.  Rocking   of a                              10m
                  granary at Chhattarpur.



                                                                                  Center of
                                                                    1.0 m

                 Roof  acceleration in  a   2-Storey building  in  Amanapura

                  In Amanapura area, which was one of the most affected localities in the Jabalpur

                 city,  ceiling  fan  hanging  from the roof RC slabe was observed to  swing  so vio-
                 lently that its blades touched the ceiling. Dark brown paint marks could be easily
                 seen on the ceiling surface. If we neglect the angular momentum of moving fan
                 and friction in the hook, it  can be  thought  as an  accelerometer and its acceleration
                 can be given by  (Fig.  A1-3):

                                                 a  =  g  tane                             (EQ A.2)
                 where  is the angle of swing. Since half length of the blade was approximately

                 equal  to the  height  of the fan,  the rotation 6-45  and that  means the roof accel-

                  Figure  A1-3.  Swinging  of a
                  ceiling  fan  hanging  from the
                  roof slab of a 2-storey (weak
                  RC frame with brick infills)
                  building  which acts as a
                  "Classical Accelerometer."

                                    Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                       10
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