Page 15 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 15

Chapter 1

                     Majority of mud houses in the neighbouring villages also suffered heavy damage.
                     In  the  Jabalpur   district  371   villages   were  affected  and  out  of  these,  22  villages
                     were  severely  damaged;  22 781  families and  a  population  of  141  165  were
                     affected.  In the affected  villages   more than 22 176 houses were  partially damaged
                     and 2135 houses were mostly destroyed. Most of houses which suffered partial to
                     complete collapse in the  meizoseismal area  were  made  from  thick  mud  walls
                     with  roof constructed  of tiles and  supported  ona bamboo  grid.


                     No prominent ground  deformation associated  with faulting,  liquefaction and
                     landslides were observed. However, some minor cracking on the ground surface
                     was observed at several places, e.g., Kosamghat, Gauraiyaghat, Kogwan, Adhar-
                     tal,  etc.

                     Most of the old Jabalpur city is located in a valley characterized by a thick allu-
                     viuam soil deposit whereas new population centres have developed in neigh-
                     bouring hilly areas on hard rock/soil sites. In general, the earthquake damage
                     was less intense in structures located on hard rock/soil sites. The distribution of
                     soil type is rather spotty in the Jabalpur area and for a few locations the soil type
                     is shown in Table 1-3   (TCPO 1991).

                       TABLE 1-2. Distribution of  top  soil in the  Jabalpur  area  (TCPO 1991)

                        Location                                      Soil Type
                        Lamenta ghat, Madan Mahal                     Sandy course
                        Near Pariyat river, Between Katni Rd. and     Sandy silt, Silty clay, Silt, Sandy
                        Patan Rd.                                     clay
                        Kanchghar, Poli patthar                       Sandy caly, Fine clay
                        Kundam Rd. near Gun Carriage Factory          Sandy clay with variations

                       Near Jabalpur Tank                             Gravely sandy clay

                     No strong motions were recorded in the most affected areas, therefore, accurate
                     information about the peak ground accelerations associated with this earthquake
                     in the epicentral region could not be obtained. The nearest Indian Meteriological
                     Department (IMD) observatory was about 200 km away from the Jabalpur. A few
                     estimates of peak accelerations were made at different locations based on over-
                     turning of small objects, and swaying of fixtures attached to ceilings of buildings
                     and are summarized in Appendix. Peak accelerations to which these objects may
                     have been subjected  lies in  the  range  of  0.3  to  1.. The  corresponding  peak
                     ground acceleration would be much less as structures and objects typically expe

                                        Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                         5
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