Page 27 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 27

Chapter 2
                                                                             Selsmologlcal Aspects

             nitude earthquakes. This observation can be attributed to the thick alluvium cov
             ered valley around Jabalpur city, which absorbed the seismic energy.

                          TABLE 2-5. Radius of Perceptibility (ROP)

                            Earthquake               ROP (km)          Magnitude or
                            Koyna                    700               6.0
                           Son Valley                350               6.5
                           Satpura                   500               6.3
                            Broach                   170               5.4
                            Anzar                    330               6.1

                            Coimbatore               500               VII
                            Bellary                  300               VII
                            Jabalpur                 250               6.0


              The epicenter of the Jabalpur earthquake which occurred in the Narmada valley
              is spatially located in the close proximity of Narmada-Son Lineament (NSL) and
              on account of this, it seems that reactivation of the segment of the NSL might have
              been the causative source for this earthquake. NSL is a  tectonic feature of great
              geotectonic significance in the central India and the study of its origin has been a
              source of considerable attraction to the geological and seismological community.
              The controversy regarding its origin centers around whether this lineament is an
              ancient rift or a zone of persistent weakness and tectonism. The ENE-WSW trend-
              ing NSL is having a  total length of about 1  200 km and it is postulated that the
              almost EW trending straight valley of river Narmada and Son and their courses
              are attributed to the structure of this mega lineament. From the Western coast to
              about 75 km West of Jabalpur, the length of the lineament is over 680 km, after
              which the lineament gradually takes an alignment of N50°E. From about 60 km
              East of Jabalpur to Harda in the West, over a distance of about 360 km, the Nar-
              mada valley comprises of thick alluvium cover whose depth varies up to 250 m.
              The width of the valley is around 35 km.
              The Narmada valley has suffered dislocations along ENE-WSW direction (Krish-
              nan 1956). The general straight course of the Narmada river from Jabalpur to the
              sea, suggests a rift or fault as the origin of the river's water ways (Pascoe 1965). It
              is  postulated  that  the  Narmada  basin  has  been  formed  probably  during  pre-
              Gondwana crustal disturbances, and based on extensive geological mapping this
              basin is  interpreted  as  a  rift  valley  with  the  boundary  faults  heading 65°-70°
              towards the valley and running along the Northern and the Southern boundary
              of the alluvium track (Yellur 1968). It is believed that the rift valley was formed

                                  Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                         17
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