Page 31 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 31

Chapter 2
                                                                                Selsmological Aspects

                                                     Period  ofF
                                                   quie scence

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                        1800                                                    60     80

                Figure 2-3. Temporal distribution of seismicity of the Peninsular India (Rao &
                 Rao 1984).

                visions the Jabalpur earthquake (1997)  has occurred in the Narmada seismicity
                zone which follows the ENE course of the Narmada river. The Narmada river
                exhibit a remarkable straight course over the entire length of about 800 km and
                due to this it is postulated that the course of this river is guided by a long straight
                fault, namely the Narmada fault, which joins to the East with the Son fault and
                the Tapti river.

                The significant earthquakes of Narmada seismicity zone are (Chandra, 1977)
                   1.  The Son valley earthquake of June 2, 1927 (M=6.5) was felt as far as Ranchi,
                       Delhi and Allahabad and the radius of perceptibility was about 350 km.
                   2.  The Satpura earthquake of March 14, 1938  (M-6.3)  was felt over a  very
                       large area of about 1 000 000 sq. km. The radius of perceptibility was about
                      500 km. The felt area of this earthquake was extended upto Delhi to the
                       North and Belgaon to the South.
                   3.  The Balaghat earthquake of August 25, 1957 (M=5.5) was felt at Nagpur
                       Mandia, Gondie, Umeria and Jabalpur.
                   4.                                      23,
                      The Broach earthquake of March  1970 (M=5.4) occurred near the junc-
                      tion of Panvel, Narmada, Girner and Cambay, and was felt in Southern
                      Gujrat.d Bombay. The radius of perceptibility was about 170 km.  The
                      damage caused by this earthquake was confined to a narrow belt (1  15 km
                      wide) along the Narmada river.

                                   Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                           21
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