Page 33 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 33

Chapter 2                                                      Seismologlcal Aspects

                this zone has been assigned a  magnitude value of 6.0  which  falls  in  the above
                range. Therefore, it can be concluded that the maximum upper limit of magni-
                tude in the Narmada seismic zone seems to be around 6.5.

                In the absence of local networks of seismographs in this region most of the micro-
                earthquake activity has neither been recorded nor reported. The mapping of the
                micro-earthquake activity provides the significant information on local seismic
                ity of the region and activity of the existing faults. Several possible reasons have
                been assigned by various investigators to explain the observed pattern of seis-
                micity of the Peninsular India. It is generally advocated that the fault pattern have
                significant influence and perhaps governs the occurrence of earthquakes in the
                Peninsular India.

                Rao and  Murty  (1970)  and Naqvi et al.  (1974)  have delineated six continental
                nuclei,  around  which  three  protocontinents,  namely,  Dhanwar,  Aravalli  and
                Singhbhum, have developed in the Indian shield and the seismicity of varying
                degree is observed in each of protocontinents. The margins of the Dhanwar pro-
                tocontinent are moderately active, and the seismicity in the Aravali protoconti-
                nent appears to be low except at places like Kutch and Bhuj. In the Singhbhum
                protocontinent, the seismicity is very low except for some significant earthquakes
                like Calcutta (October 11, 1737) and Bhadrachalam (April 13, 1969). Thus, based


                        25                       (1921)                              5>M>4
                                     Sagar                                           6>M>5
                                      (1987)                         (1985)

                                   Jabalpur                                        Netaghat
                                   (1973)                                          (1962)
                                     .        JABALPUR
                                                                 Son Valleey
                                      Mandia,      1903)         (1927)
                        22                    Balaghat
                             Betu               (1957)                                 Thethaghat
                             (1968)                                                    ('963)
                          78        79        80        81       82        83        84        85
                                                    Longitude (E)

                Figure 2-5.  Seismicity of the Jabalpur area.

                                   Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22.  1997                          23
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38