Page 38 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 38

Chapter 2                                                   Selsmologlcal Aspects


                     Figure 2-8.  Damaged house in Chhattarpur village.

                     TRACT IV: Agriculture UniversityKatangi-Nohta-Damoh
                     Agriculture University in Adhartal is situated about 10 km  to the WNW of the
                    epicenter. The soil cover in the University campus is about 15-22 m. Several uni-
                    versity buildings such as College of Agriculture building, P. G. Hostel, New Hos
                    tel, Food Sciences building and University Guest House were severely damaged.
                    Moderate to heavy damages were observed in the residential colony of the uni-
                    versity.  Figure 2-9  shows  the damaged Guest House which  developed  shear
                    cracks in almost every wall. Falling of parapet walls can also be seen in the Fig
                    2-9. Staircase jali fell  off and seriously damaged masonry column was precari-
                    ously supporting the first floor. One student died due to head injuries when he
                    jumped off the first floor  of New  Hostel,  Agriculture  University, because  the
                    staircase was littred with debris from damaged walls and roof. The intensity Vir
                    was assigned to the Agriculture University campus.
                    Intensity Vr to VI as been given to Belkharu, Luhri and Katangi located on the
                    Katangi-Damoh road. Damage of MSK scale lI was observed in the Government
                    Girls Inter Collage at Katangi. On few walls of the college building shear cracks
                    were observed. However, the part of the foundation of the building was exposed
                    perhaps due to soil settlement caused by the ground shaking. After crossing the
                    Kaimur hills sudden fall of intensity was observed. In Gobra, Jabera, Nohta and

                                      Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                      28
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