Page 41 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 41

Chapter 2                                                 Selsmological Aspects

                       Figure 2-11.  Undisturbed "Balancing kock"  near the Madan Mahal  Fort.

                      Appendix   of  Chapter  1).   Some   damages   were  also   reported   to   temples   con-
                      structed on hill tops in around Bheraghat area. The intensity VI' was assigned to
                      this locality. Almost similar damage was observed in Shahpur, Bargi and Ama
                      hinauta villages.  In Shahpur many  rick buildings were moderately to severely
                      damaged depending upon the quality of construction. The dome of an old temple
                      was damaged because of the recent additions to its structure which modified its
                      dynamic characteristics. In Bargi village most of the adobe houses were severely
                      damaged and were unsafe for living. In Amahinauta few adobe houses were par-
                      tially collapsed and few  were severely damaged.  A temple was also damaged.
                      However, no damage was observed to a two storey reinforced concrete building.
                      Fig. 2-12 shows the school building of this village which developed minor cracks
                      due to the earthquake shaking.

                      TRACT VIl:  Temar-Paraswara--Nigri-Bargi-Dhuma

                      In Bilhari, Temer and Bhita villages similar pattern of damage was observed. In
                      Bilhari most of the adobe houses were either severely damaged or partially col-
                      lapsed.  Major damages such as shear cracks in walls and collapse of staircases
                     were observed in  brick buildings.  In  few  buildings falling  of parapet wall was
                     also noticed. It  was reported that the prominent direction of shaking in this vil-
                     lage was almost East-West. Sinking of the floor of a temple towards the East was
                     observed (Fig. 2-13). Many people were injured, and minor damage to abutments

                                       Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                    31
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