Page 39 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 39

Chapter 2                                                    Selsmologlcal Aspects

                   Figure 2-9.  Severely damaged guest house building, Agriculture University.

                   Damoh  localities  intensity  V*  to  V  was  observed.  In  these  localities  people
                   reported  partial awakening    and  frightening   to  some  extent  as  well  as  minor
                   cracks in both A and B typé houses.

                   TRACT V:  Garha-Patan-Kudpura-Rahli-Garhakota

                   In Garha bazaar an engineered water tank of 0.5 million gallons capacity suffered
                   damage   to its  staging  which led the closure of the  facility by concerned  authori-
                   ties. This resulted in shortage of water supply to nearby localities. Heavy damage
                   was also reported to a Jain temple. Many other buildings were heavily damaged
                   and some were partially collapsed. In this locality four people died due to falling
                   debris. Intensity VII was assigned to this locality.
                   In Patan, Tendulkhera and Kudpura villages intensity VI" to VI was assigned. In
                   Kudpura village it was reported that there was disruption in the water supply
                   due to the breakage of underground water pipe lines. In all these villages the pat-
                   tern of damage was almost similar (e.g., major/minor cracks in walls and fall of
                   tiles  etc.).  The resident of Garhakota and Rahli villages reported  partial awak-
                   ening, very little frightening and no damage to the houses. Duration of shaking
                   was about 10 s  in  these villages.  A  villager of Garhakota reported a  foreshock
                   around 3:00 AM in    morning  May       22,  1997. An  intensity  of IV  was  assigned  to
                   these villages.

                                       Jabalpur Earthquake of May   22,  1997                         29
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