Page 35 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 35

Chapter 2
                                                                               Selemologlcal Aspects

                 sional strain and high heat flow. Although, the rate of seismicity in the.Peninsular
                 India is low in comparison to the Himalayan seismicity, howeve, it can pose con-
                 siderable seismic hazard due to variety of factors.


                  The area rocked by the Jabalpur earthquake of May 22, 1997 was surveyed by the
                  authors.  The  extent of  the  affected  area  was  identified  based  on  the  available
                  information from television           and
                                              coverage      published reports  in local  newspapers.
                  Detailed  mapping  earthquake    intensities have been carried out for the  purpose
                  of preparing the isoseismal maps of the Jabalpur earthquake. The intensity has
                  been  assigned  to  a  particular  locality  on  the  basis  of  information  collected
                  through  the  interview  of  residents  in  the  affected  area  and  also  by  the  visual
                  inspection of the observed damage.

                  To assign the intensity values in different localities, MSK as well as MMI scales
                  have been followed. The intensity was assigned to a specific locality keeping in
                  view of the structure
                                        type (e.g., A-poor quality  such as bricks and mud mortar,
                  B-good/moderate quality such as bricks and cement mortar or C-good quality
                                                 steel),   grade  damage     to each structure  (e.g,
                  such as reinforced concrete or        the
                  Grade I to Grade V)  and the number of structures suffered to a specific grade of
                  damage (e-g-, single/few, many or most). The methods adopted to assign inten-
                  sities are always subjective based on the judgement and it is difficult to apply a
                  uniform criteria. On account of this the survey team surveyed the epicentral area
                  jointly and the intensity was assigned after mutual discussion. This filtered out
                   the individual bias normally involved in assigning intensities and also took into
                   account the various factors which
                                                     may  introduce bias.  Therefore, while  assigning
                   intensities the team carefully noted the marked difference in the damage to build
                   ings, type of materials used for construction, and their pre-earthquake condition.
                   For  example,  at some localities the similar  type  buildings  built on hard  rock/
                   soil suffered lesser damage in comparison to nearby buildings built on loose sed-
                   iments (or soft soils).  The spatial distribution of the earthquake damage in the
                   Jabalpur area is described along the following tracts:

                   TRACT :  Kosamghat-Barela--Tikarlya--Majgaon
                   The intensity VIlI has been assigned at Kosamghat village which is situated at a
                   distance of about 10 km in the SE direction of the
                                                                     reported earthquake epicenter
                   (USGS). This village having a population of about 700 people (125 dwelling units)
                        completely             ground  both due to the intense  shaking  as well as the
                   was             razed to the
                   poor quality of construction. However, about 25 people suffered irnjuries and no
                   casualty occurred in spite of heavy damage, because villagers were either awake
                   or  sleeping  outdoors at the time of the  earthquake.  Most of the adobe houses suf-
                   fered  grade   IV  to V  damage.  There were  only   three houses constructed in brick
                   with  mud  mortar or cement mortar and  they  also suffered                 col-
                   lapse. Figure 2-7 shows a typical damage to adobe house in the village. The roof

                                      Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                     25
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