Page 29 - Jabalpur_EQ
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Chapter2                                                      Selsmologlcal Aspects

                deformation on large scale. A large low ridge (commonly referred asAllah Bund)
                about  24  km  wide and  80  km  long  trending  in  the  East-West  lirection  was
                formed. The land to the North of the Bund was elevated and land  to the South of
                this was subsided.

                    TABLE 2-6.  Significant Earthquakes  of the Peninsular India

                     Earthquake       Date            Magnitude      Remarks
                                                      or Intensity
                     Bombay            May 26, 1618        IX         2 000 lives lost.
                     Samaji            May, 1668                      Samaji   town sunk in the
                     Kutch            Jun., 1819           XI         2 000 lives lost in Bhuj.
                                                                      Large crustal deformations.

                     Coimbatore        Feb. 8, 1900        VII
                     Bhavnagar         Apr. 21, 1919       VIlI
                     Son Valley       Jun. 2, 1927         6.5
                     Satpura          Mar. 14, 1938        6.3
                     Anzar            Jul. 21, 1956        6.1        115 lives lost.

                     Balaghat         Aug. 25, 1957        5.5        26 lives lost.
                     Midnapur         Apr. 15, 1964        5.5
                     Koyna             Dec. 10, 1967       6.0        177 lives lost.
                     Bhdrachalam       Apr. 13, 1969       5.3
                     Bankura           May 3, 1969         5.7
                     Broach            Mar. 23, 1970       5.4        26 lives lost.

                     Latur             Sep. 30, 1993        6.4       10 000 lives lost.
                    Jabalpur           May 22, 1997         6.0       55 lives lost.

                A map of instrumentally located earthquakes in the Peninsular India is presented
                in Fig. 2-2 (Chandra 1977, Indra Mohan et al. 1981, Rao and Rao 1984). This map
                also includes epicenters of the two' recently occurred Latur (1993)  and Jabalpur

                (1997) earthquakes.  Rao and Rao   (1984)  examined the  seismicity  of the Peninsular
                India by taking into account the earthquake data both reported historically and
                recorded instrumentally between the period 1340 to 1983 and computed a, band
                (a/b)  as 4.4, 0.85 and 5.17, respectively.  These values are  typical  indicator of mod-
                erately active zones worldwide. Recurrence period of earthquakes of magnitude
                6.75 and 7.0 are calculated to be 21  and 35 years, respectively. A typical feature of
                the seismicity of the Peninsular India is  a  relatively  quiescent period of earth-
                quake activity  for the  period  from 1870 to 1920,  as evident from the  plot  of earth-
                                                                                   recorded  for  the
                quake  magnitude     versus   year   of  occurrence  of  earthquake
                period 1800 to 1983 (Fig. 2-3).

                                    Jabalpur Earthquake of May  22,  1997                         19
   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34