Page 48 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 48

Chapter 2                                                    Selsmological Aspects

                    Loss of human lives due to this earthquake was nmuch  less  in  spite of  its oxcur
                    rence  in  the  provimity  of  densely  populated  areas  because  people  were  either
                    awake or sloeping outdoors. The maximum intensity assigned to this earthquake
                    is VIll on MMI scale and the same intensity was assigned by Gupta et al.  (1997).
                    The study of damage pattern demonstrates that top soil cover has played a major
                    role. The m.ximum damage was in a  zone measuring 22 by  12  km elongated in
                    NEN  and SWS direction. The dimension of the maximum  intensity curve indi-
                    cates short rupture and shallow  nature of  the source. The  trends of  isoseismal
                    lines  are  roughly  in  ENE  and  WSW  direction  which  agrees  with  the  rupture
                    direction and trends of the NSL. The change in  the orientation of the isoseismal
                    lines may be due to the effect of the local geology and rupture direction.  Lower
                    intensity in the South and higher intensity in the NW of Jabalpur was observed.
                    Sudden fall of intensity was seen beyond the Kaimur hills. The brick buildings
                    suffered relatively  more damage than the mud buildings at  a  greater distance
                    from  the epicenter.  No evidence of permanent ground deformations like land-
                    slides,  ground liquefaction, slump etc., were observed and  the strong shaking
                    was a major factor in the widespread damage to built environment.


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                                         Jabalpur Earthquake of May  22,  1997                    38
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