Page 47 - Jabalpur_EQ
P. 47

Chapter 2                                                  Selamologlcal Aspects

                                                   DHoLPUR             Km  50   50  O0 150 Km
                                      ARAVAL                             5      d



                                                                  KATANGI            VINDHYAN
                                      INDORE             JABALPUR5200,
                                           MENT,              MANDLA                INDIA

                                                    LEGE ND
                             ALLuvIUM                             B1JAWAR
                             DECCAN TRAP
                               BMANDER                              -- SYNCLINAL  AXISs
                                  REWA      UPPER  VINDHYAN       FAULT
                             KAMUR                                oss PROFILE  wITH  SHOT  POINTS
                             00003 SEMRI    LOWER  VINDHYAN            AND  MAJOR  SP  NUMBER

                    Figure 2-18.  Geological map of Jabalpur and adjoining area (Kaila et al. 1989).

                    The Jabalpur earthquake of May 22, 1997 seems to have occurred along the seg.
                    ment of the Narmada-Son Lineament. The style of faulting depicts that this earth-
                   quake  has  not  been  caused  by  rift  movements.  Most  of  the  Peninsular
                   earthquakes, such as Kutch (1903 and 1956), Koyna (1967), Latur (1993), Son val-
                   ley (1927), Satpura (1938) and Thethanagar (1963) with magnitude above 6 have
                   occurred either along NE or NW trending faults. The fault plane solution of most
                   of  these  earthquakes  demonstrate  thrust faulting  with  strike  slip  component
                   (Gupta et al. 1972, Seeber et al. 1996, Johnston 1989 & 1994, and Khattri 1994). The
                   reason for  this conjugate fault system may be associated to  NS compressional
                   strain arising due to the collision of Indian plate with the Eurasian plate (Khattri,
                   1994). Also, the upper crust, which is usually the seismogenic layer has thinned
                   out to less than 10 km at several places in the Peninsula due to the compressional
                   stress and high heat flow (Kaila et al. 1989) and is not likely to support the signif-
                   icant accumulation of strain. It can be inferred on the basis of fault plane param-
                   eters, local tectonic features and pattern of the Peninsular seismicity that Jabalpur
                   earthquake  has occurred due to the block tectonics.

                                      Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22,  1997                       37
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