Title | Author | Publisher | Year | |
A Safer Future: Reducing the Impacts of Natural Disasters | National Research Council Staff, Washington, DC | National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA | 1991 | |
Computer-Aided Seismic Analysis and Discrimination | C.H.Chen | Elsevier, Amesterdam, Netherlands | 1978 | |
Coping with Natural Disasters | G.W.Housner | Thomas Telford, Bookshop????????????? | 1989 | |
Disaster Assistant Earthquake Hazard Reduction | Performing Organization Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society | National Technical Information Service, Springfield, ???????, USA | 1971 | |
Earthquake Prediction, Uncertainty, and Policies for the Future | L.W.Weisbecker, W.C.Stoneman and S.E.Ackerman | National Science Foundation, Washington DC, USA | 1997 | |
Earthquakes and Investigations in the Western United States 1901-1964 | Editor: S. Carder | US Department of Commerce, Washington DC, USA | 1965 | |
Home Mortage Lenders, Real Property Appraisers and Earthquake Hazards | Risa I. Palm | University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA | 1983 | |
Mitigating the Impact of Impending Earthquakes | Editors: Andreas Brandes and Klaus Brandes | A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands | 1997 | |
Natural Hazards: State-of-the-Art at the End of the Second Millennium | Editors: C.C.Baniotopoulos and F.Wald | Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ???? | 2000 | |
Putting Seismic Safety Policies to Work | Tayler Martha Balir and Penelope A. Gregory | Bay Area Regional Earthquake ??? | 1988 | |
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