Advancing Seismic Safety through Information Sharing


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A Safer Future: Reducing the Impacts of Natural DisastersNational Research Council Staff, Washington, DCNational Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA1991
Computer-Aided Seismic Analysis and DiscriminationC.H.ChenElsevier, Amesterdam, Netherlands1978
Coping with Natural DisastersG.W.HousnerThomas Telford, Bookshop?????????????1989
Disaster Assistant Earthquake Hazard ReductionPerforming Organization Committee on the Challenges of Modern SocietyNational Technical Information Service, Springfield, ???????, USA1971
Earthquake Prediction, Uncertainty, and Policies for the FutureL.W.Weisbecker, W.C.Stoneman and S.E.AckermanNational Science Foundation, Washington DC, USA1997
Earthquakes and Investigations in the Western United States 1901-1964Editor: S. CarderUS Department of Commerce, Washington DC, USA1965
Home Mortage Lenders, Real Property Appraisers and Earthquake HazardsRisa I. PalmUniversity of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA1983
Mitigating the Impact of Impending EarthquakesEditors: Andreas Brandes and Klaus BrandesA.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands1997
Natural Hazards: State-of-the-Art at the End of the Second MillenniumEditors: C.C.Baniotopoulos and F.WaldKluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ????2000
Putting Seismic Safety Policies to WorkTayler Martha Balir and Penelope A. GregoryBay Area Regional Earthquake ???1988
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