IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips:: Learning Seismic Design and Construction |
The Republic Day earthquake of 26 January 2001 in Gujarat clearly demonstrated the earthquake vulnerability profile of our country. It created a considerable interest amongst the professionals associated with construction activities in any form, as well as the non-professionals regarding the earthquake safety issues. While the subject of earthquake engineering has its own sophistication and a lot of new research is being conducted in this very important subject, it is also important to widely disseminate the basic concepts of earthquake resistant constructions through simple language. With this objective, the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) and the Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC), a constituent of the Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, launched the IITK-BMTPC Series on Earthquake Tips in early 2002. Professor C. V. R. Murty was requested to take up the daunting task of expressing difficult concepts in very simple language, which he has very ably done.
In all 32 Tips has been released and is targeted at persons interested in building construction. The Tips cover topics such as basic introduction to earthquakes and terminology such as magnitude and intensity, concepts of earthquake resistant design, and aspects of a seismic design and construction of buildings. Utmost care is taken to ensure that despite complexity of the concepts, the Tips are simple and unambiguous. To ensure the highest quality of technical contents, every Tip is carefully reviewed by two or more experts, both within and outside India and their feedback is used before finalizing the Tips.
The Tips are released for publication to all interested journals, magazines, and newspapers. The Tips are also placed at the web site of Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) (www.bmtpc.org). The project has succeeded way beyond our own expectations: a large number of journals of architecture, construction and structural engineering, and many prestigious newspapers have published some or all the Tips.
Development of the Tips was financially supported by the BMTPC New Delhi. Financial support for this reprint and dissemination was provided by the National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education (www.nicee.org/npeee) and the Joan and Haresh Shah family funds, respectively, which is gratefully acknowledged.
We hope that the readers will find the Tips useful when constructing buildings in earthquake prone areas and will consult the expert for finalising their design and construction details. Earthquake Tips are now available in Hindi, Punjabi and Marathi also.We welcome comments and suggestions; please email to nicee@iitk.ac.in.
List of Reviewers |
We are grateful to the following experts who reviewed one or more Earthquake Tip and made valuable feedback.
Ms. Alpa R. Sheth, Vakil Mehta Sheth Consulting Engineers, Mumbai
Professor Andrew Charleson, Victoria University of Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
Dr. C. P. Rajendran, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Trivandrum
Professor Christopher Arnold, Building Systems Development, USA
Professor Durgesh C. Rai, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur
Professor K. N. Khattri, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun
Dr. Leonardo Seeber, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, USA
Dr. Praveen K. Malhotra, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, USA
Professor Robert D. Hanson, The University of Michigan, USA
Professor Sri Krishna Singh, Instituto De Geofisica, MEXICO
Professor Sudhir K. Jain, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur
Professor Svetlana N. Brzev, British Columbia Institute of Technology, CANADA
Professor Thomas Paulay, University of Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND
Mr. T. N. Gupta, BMTPC, New Delhi |
EQTips |
S No |
Subject |
Language |
EQ Tip 1 |
What Causes Earthquakes? |
English /
Hindi /
Marathi /
Punjabi /
EQ Tip 2 |
How the Ground Shakes? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi /
EQ Tip 3 |
What are Magnitude and Intensity? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi
EQ Tip 4 |
Where are the Seismic Zones in India? |
English /
Hindi /
Marathi /
EQ Tip 5 |
What are the Seismic Effects on Structures? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi/
EQ Tip 6 |
How Architectural Features Affect Buildings During Earthquakes? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi/
Oriya |
EQ Tip 7 |
How Buildings Twist During Earthquakes? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi/
Oriya |
EQ Tip 8 |
What is the Seismic Design Philosophy of Buildings? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi/
Oriya |
EQ Tip 9 |
How to Make Buildings Ductile for Good Seismic Performance? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi/
Oriya |
EQ Tip 10 |
How Flexibility of Buildings Affects their Earthquake Response? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 11 |
What are the Indian Seismic Codes? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 12 |
How do Brick Masonry behave during Earthquake? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 13 |
Why should Masonry Buildings have simple Structural Configuration? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 14 |
Why are horizontal bands necessary in masonry buildings? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 15 |
Why is vertical reinforcement required in masonry buildings? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 16 |
How to make Stone Masonry Buildings Earthquake Resistant ? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 17 |
How do Earthquake Affect Reinforced Concrete Buildings ? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 18 |
How do Beams in RC Buildings Resist Earthquakes? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 19 |
How do Columns in RC Buildings Resist Earthquakes? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 20 |
How do Beam-Column Joints in RC Buildings Resist Earthquakes? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 21 |
Why are Open Ground Storey Buildings Vulnerable in Earthquakes? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 22 |
Why are Short Columns more Damaged During Earthquakes? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 23 |
Why are Buildings with Shear Walls Preferred in Seismic Regions? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 24 |
How to Reduce Earthquake Effects on Buildings? |
English / Hindi / Marathi / Punjabi |
EQ Tip 25 |
Why are Load Paths Important in Buildings? |
English |
EQ Tip 26 |
What Harms Load Paths in Buildings? |
English |
EQ Tip 27 |
How can Non-structural Elements be protected against Earthquakes? |
English |
EQ Tip 28 |
What is a Confined Masonry Construction? |
English |
EQ Tip 29 |
What are the Essential Features of Confined Masonry Houses? |
English |
EQ Tip 30 |
What is Important in Foundations of Earthquake-Resistant Buildings? |
English |
EQ Tip 31 |
Why do Buildings Sink into the Ground during Earthquakes? |
English |
EQ Tip 32 |
Why is Quality critical in Earthquake-Resistant Buildings? |
English< |